31.07.2013 SmartFish
Meeting Notes: call on SmartFish (web conferencing) Date: 31-07-2013 10:00 – 10:30 Topics:
- Hosting can be organized; to ask SmartFish for specifics
- iMarine can offer indexing, but not yet the annotation actions.
- Web services or web applications? In case of the applications, will these be real web services.
- Who will provide the conversion and organize implementation?
- Outline actors.
- Y.Laurent (YL), C.Baldassarre (CB), A.Ellenbroek (AE), E.Blondel (EB), G. Kakaletris (GK), ….
- P.Pagano is excused (laptop problem)
Notes First item is quickly addressed: Yann will send the technical specs for the current portal hosting (apache to serve PHP pages (which version?) and a postgreSQL DB instance (Which version?). Second item: Claudio presented the current tool: A collection of structured PDF/HTML/Excel file are indexed and annotated. Standard framework is used (SOLAR). Lucene search indexes are created. The additional need is the weighting of keyword for a given concept in the indexing process to improve relevance of results. GK indicates that iMarine is willing to provide support on annotation but will need more technical information on the current process. He also expressed the need to have a broader view on the users needs to provide to iMarine infrastructure generic components. CB indicated that SmartFish are well identified and the migration to the iMarine infrastructure will not require a generic solution. YL confirmed by adding the need to meet the dead line of prototype 2, i.e. mid October (even early October would be better to then have time to test the indexing GK also noted that no discussion has been held since last week discussion on that matter. YL proposed then to organize this discussion after August holidays as it seems that everyone will be off at that time. The other today’s agenda items will be addressed during this discussion. It has been agreed that the discussion will be held on the week of the 20th (19th is off in Greece). YL will send a proposal to organize this discussion. It should be mainly done by e-mails. A teleconference could be held if necessary. Outcome documents will be shared before the next teleconference with all actors planned on the 28th of August. This meeting should have concrete results in terms of development, work plans and expected outputs. As the other items will be discussed later in August, the current meeting is closed.