20.06.2014 BiolDiv
From D4Science Wiki
Meeting Friday 20 June 2014
Present: Fabio, GP, Nicolas, Casey, Edward, Lino.
BiOnym Interface
- Casey uploaded the [[1]version 6].
- Works better with the refresh time at 1 sec.
- Casey to create a test user on the interface side, GP will create it on the back-end side (bionym.user).
- The production server will be much faster than the development one, but we keep the interface in the "development" pointing to the production back-end.
- GP and Casey to work on the technical details.
- Fabio's remarks:
- TAF file with a strange behavior. GP and Fabio will solve that.
- Issue with CoL ([[2]Chordata]), mixing up with the other CoL file Mammalia. Ticket sent by Fabio.
- Let the user be able to remove one of the 2 matchers by default.
- Reminder: Nicolas got the authorization that iMArine host the complete CoL annual check-list 2014. Need to write a simple MoU and send to Peter Schalk.
- Casey has a look with GP and Angela to start the work with list of species.
- Report published in the CNR technical report publishing system [[3]PUMA].
- Target first the Biological paper:
- Biodiversity Informatics is setas a second choice because the lack of impact factor.
- Targeted journal: [[4]Ecography] as a journal of high impact factor that could fit. Nicolas sent by email a recent paper that could justify the publication in that journal.
- Discussion on other most likely journals (expensive options like PLoSOne discarded last week but we may have a second look) could continue until next week.
- For the informatics paper: still not clear what such a paper would describe apart from the GCube infrastructure, e.g., string manipulations; needs some thinking. What about R journal, Edward to investigate and report.
- Other possible journals to investigate in [[5]BioMed journals] (NB)
Next meeting
Friday 27th June 2014, 10 am, changed from Thursday due to iMarine Board 25-26 June 2014.