20.02.2014 BiolDiv

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Meeting 20 February 2014, 11:00 am

Google Hangout

Present: Fabio, GP, Anton, Edward


Nicolas and Casey were unexpectedly not able to attend; we'll have a separate meeting on Friday 21, 11:00 am, with Nicolas, Casey, Fabio, Edward, and possibly Anton. Lino and GP will not be able to make it.


Aaike De Wever of the BioFresh project paid a visit to Pisa. BioFresh could be a potential user of BiOnym. During the discussions in Pisa, it as not clear what form such collaboration could take. Edward will contact Aaike and Nicolas (who's part of BioFresh) directly about this possibility.

A group that should be contacted to investigate collaboration is the group around the Global Names Architecture. They operate a vast database, with more than 20 million name strings. Creating 'reconciliation groups' in this collection is clearly a massive task requiring high power computing, which iMarine could deliver. Both Nicolas and Edward are in touch with members of this group; Dima, author of the GNI parser, is part of this group. David ('Paddy') Patterson is one of the leaders, and has recently published an article that gives an excellent overview of the issues with name management; paper is available from http://www.eko.uj.edu.pl/ap/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=312&Itemid=27.


We should all be thinking about reasonable deadlines for the paper. It is important to have this paper reasonably soon, as it will help us to advertise our activities.

Edward will work on the basis of input provided by Fabio and GP. It would be good if Nicolas could give a first reaction.

Fabio will share the excel sheets with the results of the comparison of the GNI and REGEXP parsers; some manual validation has be done already by Fabio, and will be continued by Edward and Nicolas.

GP and Edward will look into producing trigraphs to illustrate the results of BiOnym, as they are the perfect way to illustrate that one can't optimise both recall and precision at the same time.


Anton announces that the validation of the BiOnym activities has started, as this is a deliverable for iMarine due pretty soon. Anton and Edward are working on this together.

Next meetings

Friday 21 February 2014, 11 am, but without Lino and GP. We'll check whether we need to have a meeting with the complete group early next week, or can postpone to next Thursday.