12.01.2012 WP4 Conference Call

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iMarine WP4 Conf Call - 12 Jan 2012 - Minutes


FAO: Anton Ellenbroek - Aureliano Gentile - Marc Taconet

NKUA:George Kakaletris

CNR:Donatella Castelli - Pasquale Pagano

Trust-IT: Nicholas Ferguson - Hilary Hanahoe (WP4 Leader) - Sara Pittonet

Discussion items & Actions

WP4 Interfaces

Trust-IT - Hilary Hanahoe CNR - Donatella Castelli NKUA - George Kakaletris - to be succeeded by Alex at a later date FAO - Marc Taconet with Aureliano Gentile

ACTION 1: Trust-IT to send bi-weekly bulletin of WP4 updates to keep everyone up to date and to encourage contributions.

ACTION 2: WP4 calls to be held monthly. Deliverable comments

2.2.3 Social networks

All WP4 participants to be given author access to the iMarine Twitter and LinkedIN accounts although Trust-IT to be the main interface for this. The management and update procedures (including frequency) will be defined in the deliverable. All partners are encouraged to re-tweat as this broadens the network of contacts even further. ACTION 3: Trust-IT to publish access details on BSCW 20 Jan

2.2.4 Press & Media Contacts

ACTION 4: Trust-IT to send message to go to the iMarine Board requesting recommended press & media contacts and to send iMarine info to mail- to be sent in unique, individual message covering actions 4, 5 and 11

2.2.5 Events

ACTION 5: Trust-IT to send message to go to the iMarine Board requesting recommended events at which iMarine should be present - to be sent in unique, individual message covering actions 4, 5 and 11

ACTION 6: Donatella, CNR to send sustainability report which lists pertinent events already identified by 13 Jan - Done

ACTION 7: Marc, FAO to identify non-pertinent events and to investigate further related events - 18 Jan 2012

ACTION 8: All partners to suggest further pertinent events to be included in table 12 - 18 Jan 2012

ACTION 9: FA0, CNR & TRUST to define and submit 3rd Marine Board Blue Tech application on 16th Jan 2012 - Done

2.2.6 Promotional & Multimedia Tools

eNewsletters First eNewsletter to be published by 31 January to coincide with completion of Channel content.

ACTION 10: Marc, FAO, to request D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. database to send to Trust-IT for use for eNewsletter distribution by 19 Jan

2.5 Strategic Alliances Each organisation to be investigated to find out what iMarine can gain from an alliance and vice-versa. Tailored messages to be prepared for each organisation.

ACTION 11: Trust-IT to further update this section and draft individual synergy proposals for project partners, iMarine Board organisations and then other pertinent initiatives / projects etc. A proposed timeline for synergies will also be included.

Demos - Not included in current deliverable - section to be added

ACTION 12: Pasquale Pagano, CNR, to suggest a timeline of demos and description to be included in deliverable by 16 Jan

ACTION 13: A version 1 of a first demo to be produced by CNR by 20 Jan. Trust to then collaborate on a final version for voice over. Final version to be uploaded on channel and shown to iMarine board.

2.2.8 Peer reviewed articles

ACTION 14: CNR, NKUA and FAO to provide content and suggestions for scientific journals for this with content from scientific discussions also included.

3 iMarine Training - Only a description of channel tools currently included.

ACTION 15: Marc, FAO, to complete section identifying phases, training topics, timeline and trainees by 19 Jan

ACTION 16: Marc, FAO, to develop a more detailed version to present to iMarine board at March meeting

Next WP4 Call - 14:30, 16 Feb using Web Conferencing tool via channel (if working correctly) alternatively via GoToMeeting (agenda and access details to be circulated on 9 Feb 2012)