Ecosystem Approach Community of Practice: EA-CoP stakeholder group
Template for description of each instance of EA-CoPCommunity of Practice.
- Name of the initiative
- Objective of the initiative
- Positioning of iMarine
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
The terminology "First range users / second range users / third range users" refers to cascading levels of involvement, from users directly interacting with iMarine Board (the first range users) towards end-users eventually benefiting from the iMarine services (second or third range users).
The Type of actors which are potentially concerned as EA-CoPCommunity of Practice. are listed in the paragraphs under Communication messages
Instances of the EA-CoPCommunity of Practice. - as of October 2012
Users of transversal facilities
Code lists manager / mapper
- Name of the initiative
- Objective of the initiative
- The Code List Manager manages the codes, their description and definition in their domain (hierarchy and versions);
- The Code List Mapper discovers and maintains relationships between code lists and the codes they contain.
These 2 distinct VREVirtual Research Environment.'s operate in sequence; The Code List Mapper will be developed when a code list manager is completed.
- Positioning of iMarine
The Code List Manager is partly available in the iMarine infrastructure, and will partly be a collaboration with the VocBench project.
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
- Name of the initiative: Fisheries Linked Open Data
- Objective of the initiative: (i) Create a core dataset in Linked Data format made of codes from referential code lists for statistical reports and data dissemination (e.g. yearbooks, web portals). (ii) Enrich the core connection with more links among the coded entities that belongs to the domain of Species, Vessel Type, Gear Type, Water Area, Land Area, Exclusive Economic Zone etc. (iii) Support document retrieval applications, and mash-up applications enabled by the network of connections, and semantic annotation of the documents.
- Positioning of iMarine
iMarine will facilitate the creation of the network of entities trough dissemination services based on the gCube infrastructure.
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
The first range of users of FLOD are marine scientist or statisticians involved in reporting activity or content editing. The second range of users are content managers of web portals. The third range of users are decision makers involved in assessment of marine resources at global levels.
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
We expect that the first range users is set in the order of thousands, the second range is in the order of hundreds, and the third range is in the orders of tens.
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
The CoPCommunity of Practice. that decide to be part of the Fisheries Linked Open Data network will/can be responsible of the licensing, accessibility, and publishing of their data, with respect to the consumers applications.
The Integrated Capture Information System (ICIS) allows for the import, validation, modification and publishing of time series. It reads csv and SDMX files, and can produce maps, graphs, and SDMX time series.
The use case is described here:
A specialized case of managing time-series is the Spatial RE-Allocation of Data (SPREAD)
The use case is described here:
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
Tuna Atlas (FAO)
Tuna Atlas (IRD)
- Name of the initiative: Spatial REAllocation of catch Data (SPREAD), initially funded by the FAO Trust fund "Promotion of sustainable fisheries: support for strengthening functions of and coordination among RFBs/RFMOs" (GCP/INT/069/JPN) and currently supported by i-Marine.
- Objective: SPREAD will be a set of tools to transform statistical time series based on spatial disaggregation / re-allocation techniques. SPREAD will primarily target fishery catch datasets in order to estimate catch amounts in High-Seas vs. Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), as FAO's response to UNGA's request to “revise its global fisheries statistics database to provide information for the stocks to which the Agreement applies, as well as to high seas discrete stocks on the basis of where the catch was taken” (UN, 2006).
- Positioning of iMarine: iMarine aims at providing tools to support SPREAD. Such tools will be integrated as a sub-component of the Integrated Capture Information System (ICIS). More specifically:
- the first tool will enable simple-area weighted reallocation, using OGC standards (SFA,GML), related services (WFSWeb Feature Service,WPS) and the FAO Intersection Engine web-service as source of GIS layers for calculations.
- Support for more advanced algorithms (probability-based/stochastic allocations) could be later envisaged, through access to marine species distributions (e.g. FAO aquatic distribution maps, AquaMaps), or to other relevant marine/fishery geo-referenced data.
- SPREAD outputs can be published (for dissemination through the FAO website) as a collection of individual species catch reports, including statistical tables and maps; or aggregated and published as iMarine SMDX repository; or downloaded for further dissemination through FAO's statistical dissemination tools.
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (within project time line)
The first range users are fishery statisticians within FAO/FIPS, as well as the FAO Information Systems specialists involved in the SPREAD initiative. About 4-5 persons are primarily concerned. The second range users are the broad range of usual clients of the FAO global catch statistics, who will access the SPREAD outputs published through the FAO website, as a collection of individual reports of catch tables and associated maps, or as statistical database product disseminated through various channels (FishSTatJ, SDMX, Query panel)
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (potential expansion)
A reallocation capacity based on spatial patterns is a need which has been recurrently observed. Within FAO, various groups (ESS, NR, AGP) have described similar data processing needs.
Fisheries operational data
A first draft of a operational data management environment is made available to the Board members.
It can be accessed through the BSCW.
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
The Vessel Transmitted Information system (VTI) is a specialization of ICIS. It was developed to study the feasibility of an environment where confidential data can be managed.
The main input of the VREVirtual Research Environment. are confidential vessel position records. These are aggregated to anonymous fishing activity intensity per Month per 5*5 degrees. These products can be downloaded or vizualized as maps or tabular date.
The VREVirtual Research Environment. can be accessed (after obtaining credentials) through the iMarine portal
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
The VTI2 project aims at a whole workflow including access to VMS data under confidentiality requirements to few persons of the NEAFC Secretariat acting as VMS data manager, and publishing of aggregated effort reports in a shared NEAFC-ICES VREVirtual Research Environment. for exploitation by the few ICES scientists involved in assessment of NEAFC fisheries
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
First range users: VMS data manager, scientists involved in effort assessment, using Cost methodologies and tools Second range users: scientists of fisheries assessment working groups who will integrate the outputs in broader assessment context and formulate scientific advice Third range users: policy makers using scientific advice as basis for management and policy making
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
First range users: 2 NEAFC VMS data managers at the project end, 5 ICES scientists
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
NEAFC sits in the iMArine Board and Advisory Council. The involvement of ICES scientists should be envisaged through [committee to be provided by Neil]
IRD - FishFrame Tuna distant fisheries database
- Name of the initiative
- Objective of the initiative
- Positioning of iMarine
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
The terminology "First range users / second range users / third range users" refers to cascading levels of involvement, from users directly interacting with iMarine Board (the first range users) towards end-users eventually benefiting from the iMarine services (second or third range users).
The Type of actors which are potentially concerned as EA-CoPCommunity of Practice. are listed in the paragraphs under Communication messages
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
ecological niche modelling
- Objective of the initiative: The requirements for the ecological niche modeling are described in the requirements area.
- Positioning of iMarine:
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project):
The user community of the gCube Open modeller implementation (ie a cloud implementation) should be primarily sought among the current community of Open Modeller.
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
Species names reconciliation
There are three foreseen Products x CoPCommunity of Practice.
- Objective of the initiative:
Nicolas to complete story of 500.000 missing names in CoL
- Positioning of iMarine: A first service has been developed in collaboration with University of Cardiff and CRIA as part of the EUBrazil OpenBio project. The Taxon name reconciliation algorythm which has been integrated was developed by Un. of Cardiff to serve the CoL. The species name reconciliation builds on the capabilities in the e-infrastructure for the consumption and management of taxonomic information. It can read and produce data in Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) format.
A description of a planned VREVirtual Research Environment. to support the EA-CoPCommunity of Practice. woring in this area is available here:
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project):
Question: Is the primary user of this first service the Catalog of Life ? who else?
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
Species occurrence reconciliation
VME-Database (FAO)
- Name of the initiative: Global Database for Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs), funded by the FAO Trust fund "BDEMV" (GCP/GLO/309/FRA).
- Objective of the initiative: provide an avenue to distribute information and raise awareness on recognized VMEs to fishery policy makers, managers, scientists and the public at large. The database will facilitate communication among RFMO/As and States, building partnerships and the creation of a network among the community of users, information contributors and those working on the protection of VMEs in the high seas.
- Positioning of iMarine: The iMarine e-infrastructure provides to data owners, under a controlled access, a scientific collaborative space through Virtual Research EnvironmentA ''system'' with the following distinguishing features: ''(i)'' it is a Web-based working environment; ''(ii)'' it is tailored to serve the needs of a Community of Practice; ''(iii)'' it is expected to provide a community of practice with the whole array of commodities needed to accomplish the community’s goal(s); ''(iv)'' it is open and flexible with respect to the overall service offering and lifetime; and ''(v)'' it promotes fine-grained controlled sharing of both intermediate and final research results by guaranteeing ownership, provenance, and attribution. (VREVirtual Research Environment.) for enhancing their capacity to input, share, and analyse a broad range of ecological, environmental and fisheries data used as proxi-indicators of VME identification criteria. As output of this input-sharing-analysis process, iMarine also allows to elaborate individual VME reports including their spatial definition and to publish them.
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
Three main user groups:
- Fishery policy makers and managers, and their data managers - 6 RFMOs are primarily concerned (CCAMLR, GFCM, NAFO, NEAFC, SEAFO, SIOFA, SPRFMO)
- Scientists - from the above RFMOs having a scientific mandate, from ICES, and from national research institutes (e.g. DFO Canada, CSIRO Australia, NMFS USA, IFREMER France, IEO Spain, ...)
- Fishing industry representatives, both data managers and science persons - few groups to start with (e.g. SIODFA, ,,,)
The first range users are [geospatial] data managers of FAO, and other international or national research agencies (e.g. ICES, CSIRO) who will provide access to relevant environmental and geospatial databases, including the published FAO VME database. About 5 users can be foreseen by the end of the iMarine project.
The second range users are i) data managers involved in RFMOs VME processes or working for the deep sea fishing industry who will upload VME relevant fisheries observations (e.g. "encounters"), and ii) scientists in fisheries and deep seas ecology who will analyse the available information with the endeavour to identify VME areas. About 5 data managers, and 5 scientists can be foreseen by the end of the project. A successful uptake would raise prospect of a growth of this community up to 10-20 data managers and 30 - 50 scientists in the following years, through activities supported by FAO's ABNJ Deep Seas project.
The outputs of the work of the above described direct users will impact on i) policy makers and fishery managers of concerned RFMOs, and of FAO's Member States (where FAO serves its Member States in areas where there is no RFMO), whose capacity to identify VMEs and define management rules will be enhanced; and ii) on the users of the public VME-database including the general public.
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
Species fact sheets (FAO/FishFinder)
In order to allocate development effort in iMarine towards the realization of a Species Fact-Sheet development tool, a good understanding of the goal (produce species fact-sheets) and objectives (number of new and editable species fact-sheets, display format, static and dynamic content, review processes, interactive work-flow editing,) is required.
The information analysis of the fact-sheets collections will also evidnece the expected benefits and costs related to the different solutions. This document aims to assist in the development of a shared vision on the value of using the iMarine environment to support Species Fact Sheets components.
The below product profile does not substitute for, or replace the detailed wiki-page description. Problem: The existing FAO Species Fact Sheets require an update; new content is availbale, existing content needs to be revised, and the possibility to expose the information in new and easily accesible formats needs to be considered.
Product description:
The Species Fact Sheets VREVirtual Research Environment. would offer a Work-Flow driven solution for the collection, collation and review of species fact sheets. A fact sheet manager would initiate a document work flow by filling a template with base information, and then invite authors to contribute content to specific part of the fact sheets, which can then be reviewed before they are published as FiMES compliant XML. The fact sheets fact sheet manager has options to add annotations, search boxes and other authoring help to the editor. Priority to CoPCommunity of Practice.: The proposed solution fits to several of the iMarine Board priority criteria:
- There is an immediate need for an update of the fact sheets. Thus the main criteria of “Users now” is met if an acceptable tool is presented.
- If the work flow approach is delivered to expectations, there is a potential for co-funding.
- A structural allocation of resources is achieved when resources used to develop the existing FCPPS VREVirtual Research Environment. can be re-used, thus driving down development costs.
- Many of the expected functionality required is referred to in the DoW:
- The species fact sheet are in clear support of BC2.
- How does the proposed action generally support sustainability aspects
- The consistency with EC regulations/strategies is not assessed
- On the last three topics, the proposal scores well:
- Re-usability – The tool specifically aims to re-use existing components for document work flow support developed for the FCPPS VREVirtual Research Environment..
- Benefits – there are direct benefits in reduced effort, improved visibility to the department to FAO.
- Compatibility – Being conceptualized to grow from FCPPS, the expected compatibility with the FAO infrastructure is expected to be very high.
Productivity: All proposed measures aim to reduce the editing and work flow burden of well identified staff and other HR resources. It reduces a known editing, information collection and sharing, and hr management workload.
Price: The proposed solution requires no additional resources other than HR effort.
Expected effort in PM: 2 PM.
The iMarine software offers a secure and private environment for data. There is no identified need in this scenario to develop solutions to manage confidential info at data / dataset / organizational beyond the current offer.
These are no specific Copyright / attribution / metadata / legal or other issues identified related to the production of the species fact sheets.
The proposed solution can be easily re-used in another fact-sheet scenarios, e.g. for specific users groups (sharks, corals/reefs, VME's) where content collection can benefit from a template, and work-flow support is needed.
Public: The expectation is that there 1-5 data managers, 5 - 20 editors operating to produce several hundred species fact sheets. There will be published in the FAO website with thousands of viewers.
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
Species fact sheets (IRD/Ecoscope)
- Name of the initiative
- Objective of the initiative
- Positioning of iMarine
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
The terminology "First range users / second range users / third range users" refers to cascading levels of involvement, from users directly interacting with iMarine Board (the first range users) towards end-users eventually benefiting from the iMarine services (second or third range users).
The Type of actors which are potentially concerned as EA-CoPCommunity of Practice. are listed in the paragraphs under Communication messages
Environmental service (GeoBon community)
Ward Appelans: The environmental layers service (first building a detailed inventory, and secondly building access and integration) is now on the deliverable wish-list/to-do-list and I added iMarine as a partner to work with (also other groups are building on this). I think only iMarine is doing that second step in providing access in a research environment
- Name of the initiative
- Objective of the initiative
- Positioning of iMarine
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
- Type of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Number of First range users / second range users / third range users
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process
Smartfish (FAO)
- Name of the initiative: SWIOFC's Regional Fisheries Information System, funded by the Smartfish project in partnership with SWIOFP and iMarine.
- Objective of the initiative: The RFIS will provide a broad range of information in support to EAF oriented decision making in fisheries in the South West Indian Ocean region. RFIS will primarily build on existing complementary information systems (Statbase, Wiofish, FIRMS, national statistical systems).
- Positioning of iMarine: iMarine aims at providing tools to support RFIS. iMarine will enable a seamless integration and harmonization of the existing systems within RFIS. More specifically:
- the first level of harmonization will rely on OpenSearch or Xsearch services enhanced with FLOD knowledgebase
- a more advanced level of harmonization could be later envisaged through direct access to database structures
- Characteristics of the CoPCommunity of Practice. (target at the end of iMarine project)
The first range users are information system specialists and data managers supporting the existing systems. About 8 persons are primarily concerned (2 per target system).
The second range users are the national data managers in the region, which are involved in feeding the existing systems. About 20 persons are concerned (about 2 per country)
The third range are users of the existing systems, ie scientists and regional fisheries policy makers.
- Involvement of the CoPCommunity of Practice. in the Governance process