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(Infrastructure Services (12 Mar AM))
(FARM VO/VRE Services (12 Mar AM))
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* '''DONE''' (CERN) node38.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade OAI-plugin
* '''DONE''' (CERN) node38.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade OAI-plugin
* '''DONE''' (CERN) node28.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080:upgrade TS + TImeSeriesGeoTools + GeoServer Interface
* '''DONE''' (CERN) node28.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080:upgrade TS + TImeSeriesGeoTools + GeoServer Interface
* (CNR) aquamaps.ifm-geomar.de:8080 : upgrade Aquamaps
* '''DONE''' (CNR) aquamaps.ifm-geomar.de:8080 : upgrade Aquamaps
== Portals (12 Mar PM) (CNR) ==
== Portals (12 Mar PM) (CNR) ==

Revision as of 15:32, 19 March 2012

The upgrade to gCube 2.8.0 will be performed in 2 phases.

  • In the first phase it wil be focused mainly to the deployment of the new iMarine portal, ( all portles are now also compatible with gwt 2.4.0). In addition In order to enable some new functionalities, like encryption and new enhancement in AquaMaps and TS also those services will be upgraded. The upgrade will involve for the moment only FARM and gCube Apps VOVirtual Organization;. A new version of the GHNgCube Hosting Node. will be deployed as well in the Enabling layer nodes and ResourceManager nodes. The new version will require a manual installation of an encryption key by each site manager
  • The second phase of the upgrade will complete the GHNgCube Hosting Node. upgrade and in addition all the new upgrades will be deployed. ( Search, Indexes...) on all VOs ( Ecosystem ). In parallel with the upgrade the INSPIRE VOVirtual Organization; will be dismissed and part of its functionalities will be moved to Ecosytem.

gHN Upgrade Instructions

It should be carried as follows:

1) Download the upgrade script from

wget http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/ghn-distribution/upgrade-scripts/upgrade-ghn-3-2-6.sh

and make it executable:

chmod 700 upgrade-ghn-3-2-6.sh

2) Verify that the GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable is correctly set


3) Run the upgrade script with the following arguments:

  • <port>: The port where the container runs.
  • <restart/norestart>: tells if the container has to be restarted or not after the upgrade
./upgrade-ghn-3-2-6.sh <port> <restart/norestart>


  • The script ask for the removal of previous GHNgCube Hosting Node. logs ( recommended )

4) Verify the upgrade operation using the infrastructure monitoring tools


5) Installation of the Encryption key

Infrastructure Services (12 Mar AM)

GHNgCube Hosting Node. to upgrade:


  • DONE (CNR) node1.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8000: upgrade node ( restart ) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node1.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node ( restart ) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node2.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node ( restart ) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node17.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node ( restart ) + key installation


  • DONE' (CERN) upload SAs to Production Software Repository

gCube Apps VOVirtual Organization;

gCube Enabling Services (12 Mar AM)


  • DONE (CNR) node66.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8000: upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node66.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node65.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node (restart) + key installation

gCube VOVirtual Organization;/VREVirtual Research Environment. Services (12 Mar AM)


  • DONE (CNR) node49.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node59.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node60.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node61.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node62.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node63.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation


  • (CNR) node49.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade Aquamaps
  • DONE (CNR) node59.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 : upgrade TS, TImeSeriesGeoTools and GeoServerInterface

FARM VOVirtual Organization;

FARM Enabling Services (12 mar AM)


  • DONE (CNR) node24.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8002: upgrade node ( restart )+ key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node24.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node ( restart )+ key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node26.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node ( restart )+ key installation

FARM VOVirtual Organization;/VREVirtual Research Environment. Services (12 Mar AM)


  • DONE (CNR) node14.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) node28.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade node + key installation
  • DONE (CNR) aquamaps.ifm-geomar.de:8080 : upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (FAO) ldvapp08.fao.org:8080: upgrade node (restart) + key installation
  • DONE (NKUA) dl16.di.uoa.gr:8080: upgrade node (restart) + key installation


  • DONE (CERN) node38.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade OAI-plugin
  • DONE (CERN) node28.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080:upgrade TS + TImeSeriesGeoTools + GeoServer Interface
  • DONE (CNR) aquamaps.ifm-geomar.de:8080 : upgrade Aquamaps

Portals (12 Mar PM) (CNR)

  • DONE The new iMarine portal will be installed on portal.i-marine.d4science.org. It will be a copy of the preproduction portal newportal.i-marine.d4science.org.

After the copy the following configuration changes need to be applied:

  • DONE before starting the associated GHNgCube Hosting Node. , it has to be configured with FARM and gCubeApps start scopes (both in GHNConfig.xml and GHNConfig.client.xml)
  • The RR configuration for the portal should be moved to Write mode. The file targets.model.properties under $GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib/ext/property-files should be overwritten with the file [1].
  • * DONE The Users persisted area should copied from the persisted currently hosted in portal.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu

The D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Ecosystem Portal, hosted at https://portal.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu/, will host the Ecosystem, INSPIRE VOVirtual Organization; and gCubeApps Therefore it should be configured as follows:

  • DONE FARM VOVirtual Organization; ( and related VREs) should be removed from the groups
  • DONE FARM VOVirtual Organization; ( and related VREs) scopes should be removed from the portal GHNgCube Hosting Node. scopes
  • DONE FARM VOVirtual Organization; should be removed from the GHNgCube Hosting Node. start scopes ( both in GHNConfig.xml and GHNConfig.client.xml)