Procedure Infrastructure Deployment

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Different deployment procedures apply for gCube, Hadoop and Runtime Resources.

gCube Resources

The gCube nodes of the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the initiative. Infrastructure can be deployed in 32 and 64 bits machines and supports several Linux distributions. It has been tested on CERN Scientific Linux, RedHat Enterprise, Ubuntu, and Fedora.

A gCube node of the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the initiative. Infrastructure is composed by two main constituents:

  1. A base gHN-distribution or SmartGears distribution Managed locally by Site Managers;
  2. gCube services running on the gHN or on the Smartgears container. Managed remotely by VO Admins and the VRE Managers.


  1. gHN - The gHN distribution is available from the gCube website. The Administrator Guide provides detailed information about the gHN installation process.
  2. SmartGears - The SmartGears distribution is available from the gCube website. The Smargears installation guide provides information about the Smartgears installation process
  3. gCube Service - gCube services are installed when new VOs/VREs are deployed. Check the VO Creation and VRE Creation procedures.


  1. gHN and SmartGears - The upgrade of gHNs is based on upgrade plans published in the Resources Upgrade page.
  2. gCube - The upgrade of gCube services is based on upgrade plans published in the Resources Upgrade page.

In order to coordinate Installation and Upgrade activities the Infrastructure Managers use the Redmine system . For each activity the Infrastructure Managers should open a "D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the initiative. Infrastructure" RedMine ticket describing the activity to perform and assign it to a Site Managers with a Due Date. Site Managers responsible of the tasks when closing the ticket are supposed to fill the field Intervention Time with the time spent performing the task. Tickets associated with installation and upgrades are also reported in the Resources Upgrade page. More information is available on the Infrastructure upgrade wiki

Hadoop and Runtime Resources

Hadoop and Runtime Resources installation and upgrades due to the diverse nature of Service and installation type does not follow a predefined installation or upgrade procedure, but as for the gCube Resources each action is associated with a Redmine ticket where Site Managers have to report the Intervention Time spent.