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''Contribution of IRD''
''Contribution of IRD''
The following collaboration takes place under DCF/french ministry of fisheries funded project.
In 2012, IRD has set up a SQL database based on Fishframe XML schema. In 2013, IRD reused an application of french ministry of fisheries transforming ERS version 3 XML schema in a SQL database. IRD will help in mapping ERS and Fishframe XML schema as well as suggesting new elements to extend the FLUX XML schema. This will be achieved in creating UML class diagrams. If needed IRD can set up an SDMX export on top of its Fishframe database.
In 2012, IRD has set up a SQL database based on Fishframe XML schema. In 2013, IRD reused an application of french ministry of fisheries transforming ERS version 3 XML schema in a SQL database. IRD will help in mapping ERS and Fishframe XML schema as well as suggesting new elements to extend the FLUX XML schema. This will be achieved in creating UML class diagrams. If needed IRD can set up an SDMX export on top of its Fishframe database.

Revision as of 18:23, 18 March 2013


This page realizes D2.5; Reports on interactions with FP7 projects and other R&D national/international programmes on inter-project coordination and collaboration. The page will be enriched with information when individual collaborations and coordinations are added and/or edited.

The collaboration initiatives are first summarized in an overview table.

For each collaboration the following details are then reported:

  1. A description of the Project/Initiative and its Objectives;
  2. The description of the Community of PracticeA term coined to capture an "activity system" that includes individuals who are united in action and in the meaning that "action" has for them and for the larger collective. The communities of practice are "virtual", ''i.e.'', they are not formal structures, such as departments or project teams. Instead, these communities exist in the minds of their members, are glued together by the connections they have with each other, as well as by their specific shared problems or areas of interest. The generation of knowledge in communities of practice occurs when people participate in problem solving and share the knowledge necessary to solve the problems. served/involved;
  3. A description of the established collaboration agreement;
  4. The detailed plan and dates, if this is available.

Inter project collaboration

Collaboration plan

The plan at the start of the project for collaboration is described in the third iMarine objective:

"(iii) the extension, adaptation and deployment of a rich set of software components that implement these services. Instrumental in the activities of iMarine will be the establishment of an active set of collaborations with other international initiatives. The aim will be to reuse and render interoperable existing policies, technologies, and e-infrastructures. By leveraging on these collaborations and by taking advantage of additional funding that these organizations invest in the project, the number of available resources brought into play will be maximized."

Collaboration opportunities that were already identified at project inception were with EGI, ERINA+, EUBrazilOpenBio, VLIZ, and NEAFC. Most of these collaboration are now either established or planned, with the understanding that the preparation of such a collaboration requires a preparation of the technical and human infrastructure, and the collaboration may not have been actuated as of the time of preparation of this document.

New opportunities for collaboration

Many collaboration opportunities emerged during P1 of the project, and this dynamic list is expected to grow substantially towards project completion. Not all opportunities are listed here, but only those where a collaboration or coordination action was discussed at WP level or above. In addition, some collaborations were discussed but not pursued due to non-disclosure agreements, software incompatibilities, or other blocking issues. Only real "prospects" are included.

The collaboration opportunities and the co-ordination thereof collected here summarize the effort. Where the collaboration has resulted in concrete activities, these are described elsewhere. This deliverable documents the collaboration at high-level only.

Each Collaboration is first described by the names, the entities involved, the goal and objectives, and some activities. A brief overview of the activity table is given, and also the intended type of collaboration is mentioned. These types go from a loose, consumption like collaboration, to a full sharing of project resource development. In a short overview as presented in this page, a detailed classification of collaboration types is not feasible, and they have to be summarized as follwos:

  1. Data sharing; exchange data programmatically between infrastructures;
  2. VREVirtual Research Environment. Exploitation; deliver a VREVirtual Research Environment. to a new community;
  3. Software development; share the development of services between frameworks;
  4. Software integration; convert existing code to execute on to e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large., e.g. in gCube;
  5. Co-development; write software and share code to execute on the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large..

Ultimately, also the status of the collaboration is activity is reported, which can be only one of :

  1. Prospect; The iMarine collaboration opportunity has been presented;
  2. Aborted; The collaboration was not achieved;
  3. On-hold; The activities are on hold, pending
  4. Planning; The collaboration plan is being drafted;
  5. Development; the collaboration resources are being developed for implementation;
  6. Validation; the delivered components (or resource, or the exploitation of existing resources) is being validated by collaboration partners;
  7. Completed; the collaboration is active.

Progress table

iMarine co-ordination and collaboration
Collaboration Planned / New Last activity Type Status
VLIZ Planned 01.2013 Data sharing Development
NEAFC Planned 01.2013 Software development Planning
EMI Planned 02.2012 Software integration Completed
ERINA+ Planned 02.2012 Software integration Completed
EUOpenBio Planned 01.2013 Software integration Development
EMODNet New 01.2013 Data sharing Development
ENVRI New 10.2012 Data sharing Planning
FishFinder New 12.2012 VREVirtual Research Environment. Exploitation Completed
VocBench New 01.2013 Software Development
Tuna Atlas Planned 01.2013 Data sharing Validation
Data.fao.org New 01.2013 Data sharing Development
FAO/Chronicles New 01.2013 Software development Planning
Eurostat Planned 10.2012 Data sharing Completed
DCF-DGM New 10.2012 Data sharing Prospect
MCS-DGM New 10.2012 Data sharing Prospect
VME-DB New 10.2012 VREVirtual Research Environment. Planning
ABNJ New 10.2012 Data sharing Planning
GBIF New 10.2012 Data sharing Completed
Lifewatch Planned 10.2012 Data sharing Development
GOLD New 12.2012 Data sharing Prospect
BestTuna New 01.2013 VREVirtual Research Environment. Prospect
RDA New 01.2013 Data sharing Development
SciencePad New 01.2013 Software development Prospect
IGI New 10.2012 Software development Prospect
Agrocampus New 09.2012 Software development Prospect
GEO BON New 09.2012 Data sharing Prospect

Inter-projects Coordination

The inter-project coordination is undertaken with several clear objectives in mind. iMarine is an ambitious initiative the first phase of which aims specifically to establish an e-infrastructure supporting 3 business cases. For iMarine, coordination activities are pursued that can bring benefits in the areas of i) technology development, ii) services and product re-utilization, interoperability and marketing, and iii) sustainable governance of the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large..

The inter-projects activities may not only result in collaboration (i.e. partaking in a shared activity), but can also result in a co-ordination effort. This can manifest itself in bundling resources to approach external communities, reduce overlap in development effort by aligning activities, and avoid duplication of effort by building on components from other projects. This is mainly an activity of negotiating and information exchange.

Another aspect of inter-project coordination is the planning and scheduling of collaboration activities. This is not detailed for each individual case, rather an approach was adopted where roles were distributed between the iMarine Board, the Steering Board, and the wider EA-CoPCommunity of Practice.. Where appropriate, a note is made in the collaboration activity list below. Important cases where iMarine participates in co-ordination efforts, but where collaboration is not the objective are:


As an outcome of the activities in BC-1, iMarine managed to raise awareness on the importance of adopting a standard exchange protocol for the fisheries operations data domain (Flux – Fisheries Language for Universal eXchange), and of streamlining the data-flows from the fisheries Monitoring-Control-Surveillance (MCS) to the scientific domains in Europe. Through the iMarine Board, the project is now consulted to contribute to several elements of the data-infrastructure related to the support of EU’s common fisheries policy. Through global fisheries standard setting bodies where iMarine Board members are active (CWP), the FLUX initiative was introduced in order to sense the interest of the global community towards joining this initiative.


One example that exemplifies the coordination activity results in this area is the invite to take a seat in the SDMX-Steering Committee. Through the activities of FAO Fisheries and CIO departments, the shared FAO / ESTAT datasets development, the iMarine OpenSDMX initiative and informal activities, representatives of iMarine become well known in the SDMX community.


FAO manages important sections of this GEF-project. Effort is made to ensure that software developments are not initiated in parallel by comparing work-plans and activities. These contacts are important to position the iMarine infrastructure and to be able to quickly respond if concrete requirements are brought forward to support this large initiative with data or other resources. Such efforts are developed in the logic of a public partnership business model, whereby each involved organization highlights the benefits expected from joining the iMarine platform with the expected result that new projects will contribute to new developments for the overall benefit of the entire community.

Collaboration priorities

From the above initiatives, several priority collaborations emerge that are pursued with more vigor than the others. They promise to deliver clear advantages to the the project consortium and will be important to achieve a sustainable solution for iMarine functionality, the underlying D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. infrastructure, and the gCube technologies.

iMarine technology collaboration priorities


The collaboration with the EMI project, developed during the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative.-II project, has continued in the context of iMarine with a signed Memorandum of Understanding between the two projects. The MoU defines three main goals of the collaboration:

  • Access to EMI build services: iMarine depends on the EMI to build its core software, gCube. EMI should provide iMarine access to its build services (ETICS) where the project can register its gCube projects, create configurations for their components, build and test these projects and access the service repository and associated reports.. iMarine, through its partner Engineering SPA, is responsible for maintaining and providing support for ETICS web configuration UI, a component of the the EMI build services components developed by Engineering SPA.
  • EMI release preview and exploitation: iMarine has access to pre-production release of EMI products via the EMI Integration Testbed and subject to its acceptance criteria, iMarine should upgrade its infrastructure’s gLite nodes to the latest versions of the components released by EMI.
  • iMarine feedback and requirements: iMarine will evaluate the suitability of EMI products to meet its requirements and reliability of the services it provides. Feedback, recommendations and lessons learned should be provided to validate and improve EMI services. Feature requests for EMI products may be submitted for new or improved capabilities of EMI products




This project is co-funded by the European Commission and the Brazilian Minister of Science Technology and Innovation (MCTI). The project aims at offering to the biodiversity scientific community an e-infrastructure giving access to domain relevant open-access resources (data, tools, services and computing) and supporting their exploitation. The e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. is epected to be built by federating and integrating existing European and Brazilian technologies and resources.

The liaison between iMarine and EUBrazilOpenBio is oriented to share the infrastructure and software artifacts and to promote a cross fertilisation among the two Community of Practices the projects deal with. The infrastructure needs of the EUBrazilOpenBio community have been covered by creating a specific Virtual OrganizationA dynamic set of individuals or institutions defined around a set of resource-sharing rules and conditions. All these virtual organizations share some commonality among them, including common concerns and requirements, but may vary in size, scope, duration, sociology, and structure. in the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. The use of the same infrastructure facilitates the sharing of the resources that are deployed in the infrastructures, for example, gCube Hosting nodes can be shared, as well as specific service instances, can be used by both the projects thus realising an economy of scale scenario.

Among the shared software artifacts, a primary role is played by the gCube Species Data Discovery service, i.e. a service conceived to provide its users with seamless access to Species Data (Taxonomy Items and Occurrence Points) from the major providers and Information Systems, like GBIF and Catalogue of Life. The core of the service has been designed and developed in the iMarine project while a number of plugins (specifically conceived to interface with a target Information System) have been developed in the context of EUBrazilOpenBio, namely plugins interfacing with speciesLink and BrazilianFlora. EUBrazilOpenBio in turn has contributed to the design and development of facilities supporting the production of checklists, i.e. lists of taxonomy items that can be used to compare the Species characterizations own by each Information System as to discover potential misplacements and incomplete characterizations. Other software artifacts characterising this collaboration are the Cross Mapping and the Niche Modeling Services. These have been developed by EUBrazilOpenBio project and they are expected to be reused by iMarine. The former is a Service for comparing two checklists, the latter is a Service for using the openModeller Technology to model, test and project species distribution probabilistic models.

As a side effect of this strict collaboration at technological level, there was also an involvement of the Communities of Practice addressed. For example, iMarine has been invited to present its achievements at relevant events organized by the EUBrazilOpenBio community members (…), both in Europe and in Brazil.

ENVRI (Common Operations of Environmental Research infrastructures)


ENVRI is a project that aims at establishing a collaboration between the cluster of ESFRI projects operating in the Environment area, with support from ICT experts, to develop common e-science components and services for their facilities. The expected result is a speed up the construction of these infrastructures and a common layer for scientists to use the data and software from each facility to enable multi-disciplinary science.

The liaison between iMarine and ENVRI is oriented to share technological artifacts and to promote a cross fertilisation among the two Community of Practices the projects deal with.

As a result of the analysis of the requirements specified from the different ESFRI infrastructures, it has emerged that a primary role is played by services specifically conceived to deal with Geospatial data. In order to satisfy this need it was decided that the suite of services initially designed and developed in the context of iMarine will be consolidated and enhanced when used in the ENVRI settings. This suite is a comprehensive yet open set of services implementing and benefitting from the OGC standards (namely WCSWeb Coverage Service, WMSSee Workload Management System or Web Mapping Service., WFSWeb Feature Service, WPS, CSW) enabling the Discovery of such data, their processing as well as their publications. ENVRI will contribute to this framework by developing specific data processing methods that can also be reused by iMarine.

ENVRI does not plan to set up an own infrastructure. The services developed will be hosted for experimentation purposes in the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. infrastructure. This will facilitate their exploitation also in the iMarine application environments.



LifeWatch is a European Research Infrastructure for Biodiversity currently under development. The first services to users are planned for 2013. Through this infrastructure users may benefit from integrated access to a variety of data, analytical and modeling tools as served by a variety of collaborating initiatives. The infrastructure is also expected to give accessto selected workflows for specific scientific communities able to exploit offered data and tools and to offer facilities for constructing personalized ‘virtual labs' allowing to enter new data and analytical tools. New data will be shared with the data providers cooperating with LifeWatch. A number of meetings have been held between iMarine and LifeWatch Service Center representatives to explore possible common interests and synergies. During these meetings the two parties have recognized that iMarine services might be usefully exploited also in the LifeWatch application context. It has then decided to start-up an explorative collaboration that will initially include the following actions: a) Training material produced by iMarine will be incorporated in the LifeWatch training modules disseminated by the Service Center; b) iMarine will organise a technological face-to-face training event centered on the development of those iMarine services that are more related to the LifeWatch objectives, like the integrated access to a variety of data, analytical and modeling tools and the Virtual Labs support; c) iMarine representatives will follow the requirements of the LifeWatch “Alien Species Showcase” to evaluate the feasibility of hosting on the iMarine infrastructure also a VREVirtual Research Environment. dedicated to scientists studying alien species in the marine environment.

(info on the Showcase as reported in the LifeWatch site) This study case is developed through an inter-operability exercise on a set of databases covering collections of species along a ideal transect ranging from the deep regions of the Southern Adriatic-Ionian Sea to the high altitude woodlands in Central and Northern Italy.
Ecosystem fragility will be evaluated from the proportion of native and alien species; similarly the vulnerability of taxonomic or functional groups will be evaluated from the proportion of native and alien species within every group. The accessibility of data stored in distributed databases will allow mapping ecosystem vulnerability on the layer of ecosystem types in Italy.
Bio-molecular data on selected species and species groups will provide services with the observation of individuals and populations.
By using the simple traits selected for the analysis, estimates of the scenario of change for ecosystem services in the different types of ecosystems will be performed.
The study case is easily expansible to ecosystems in other EU countries, covering a wider range of ecosystem types and taxonomic groups.



SciencePAD is an initiative coordinated by EMI in collaboration with ILL, EMBL-EBI, Ex Machina with the participation of other projects and companies developing or using software for scientific applications.

SciencePAD is an initiative to assist scientific communities in finding the software they need, to promote the development and use of open source software for scientific research and provide a one-stop-shop to match user needs and software products and services.

The initiative was started informally in September 2011 with a first round of discussions among representatives of various projects and other interested parties. In December 2011 a Steering Commitee (SC) has been formed to formally discuss the mandate, scope, functions, funding models, governance structure and membership rules. The SC has presented the outcome of the initial discussion to a larger community of software developers and users in February 2012 at a workshop organized at CERN on open source software for scientific research and currently a project proposal has been submitted to EC in the context of FP7 framework.

iMarine as one of the projects ( together with EUBrazilOpenBio and ENVRI) which is supporting and developing the gCube Software Framework is part of the SciencePAD software catalogue and it took part to the brainstorming phase of the initiative. Depending on the approval of the EC project proposal, iMarine will also evaluate to sign an MoU with the project in order to further exploit the catalogue and other initiatives that may follow.



OpenAIREplus (2nd Generation of Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) was launched in December 2011. The 30 month project, funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme, works in tandem with OpenAIRE, extending the mission further to facilitate access to the entire Open Access scientific production of the European Research Area, providing cross-links from publications to data and funding schemes. This large-scale project brings together 41 pan-European partners, including three cross-disciplinary research communities.

Communities served/involved are all EC Projects and their members and scientists.

The collaboration agreement is established around:

  • Alignment of technologies (mid and long term vision)
  • Exchange of technologies (tentative)
  • Exchange of expertise
  • Joint development of new technologies (we envisage a common mobile client for information retrieval)

Up to now the collaboration activities include a number of meetings / teleconferences such as a joint teleconference CNR / NKUA on technical aspects of the infrastructure (January 2013) and a series of NKUA meetings including members of the two teams.

In the future, the objective of the collaboration is to evaluate further options for technological convergence.



EarthServer is establishing open access and ad-hoc analytics on extreme-size Earth Science data, based on and extending leading-edge Array Database technology. The community of practice served/involved is the earth Observation Scientists and Geologists

The established collaboration agreement includes

  • Evaluation of the applicability of Array DBs for iMarine data
  • Evaluation of standards for adoptability
  • Exchange of best practices

Performed actions include

  • Joint meeting in July 2012 on the feasibility of technology exchange
  • Joint participation to the EarthCube Brehmen Workshop
  • Aligned technologies: Java, Liferay portals.

For the future, the planned actions include revisiting of the case of technology exchange in appropriate time and the exchange of best practices


The Research Data Alliance is supported by Australia, the European Commission and the NSF.

Focus areas: scientific data infrastructures, Big Data / data driven research, Data Sharing and Exchange RDA is setting up a process aimed at establishing focused working groups (12-18 months), that could be a liaison vehicle for iMarine

First plenary 18-29 March 2013, Gothenburg RDA press-release

FP7 icordi for Ocean Data Interoperability

iCordi is a forum supporting the convergence between emerging global data infrastructures.

It has a focus group (user community) for Ocean Data Interoperability


rOpenSci develops R-based tools to facilitate acess to open data and open science. iMarine plans to align activity with representatives of the Advisory board members of ROpenSci.

rOpenSci develops R-based tools for acess to Open Data and Open Science. The 2013 RopenSci data challenge is now just launched

Several R packages are already curated, including on the Fisheries.


Synergies exist between between iMarine & GEOWOW that have been identified, but are not yet exploited. The GEOWOW project has already a connection with ESFRI (ENVRI cluster for instance) via inclusion of results from the GENESI-DEC FP7 project (brought by ESA and Terradue project partners). There is an interest to further develop that connection in GEOWOW, especially expressed by the UNESCO IOC partner. iMarine is in discussion with them to clarify objectives in this regard; these relate to ENVRI contribution to GEOSS, and possibly the BluePlanet activity stream.

Helix Nebula

Helix Nebula (HN) has recently achieved important milestones, and concrete steps, more opened to the outside world, are now starting. Especially, the recently created Services Architecture and the soon to be launched Business Architecture activity streams in HN are of interest for iMarine. On the Services Architecture side:

- Work is starting on the Data Management topic; 
- Terradue delivered several inputs to this group, that can provide good anchors to the way the iMarine e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. operates / plans to operate;
- A synergy at this level would address the processing between Helix Nebula (compute infrastructure) and iMarine (science data curation), with a linkage between them for externalizing to the HN Cloud some highly demanding compute operations. 

iMarine has many tools available or planned to enact such data staging and application provisioning operations for on-demand, time constrained operations. Terradue intends to play an active role as part of iMarine in supporting these operations.


IGI is the Italian branch of the EGI initiative, and has been contacted to align the iMarine plans for the exploitation of EGI facilities with the IGI planning. A collaboration will be proposed later in 2013.

EA-CoPCommunity of Practice. collaboration priorities

Market/Business opportunity 1 - Support to implementation of FLUX related data workflow, including production and scientific exploitation of aggregated statistics and indicators


Current situation

Fisheries data in Europe are managed with different data formats (different labels for same entities, codelists..) which are covering different needs (DG-MARE: ERS, VMS, DCF / Fishframe) but are mainly dealing with the same objects (vessels, fishing gears, species, locations...) and events (fishing operations, landings..). Member states (MS) have to handle elogbooks (ERS XML schema, version 3) to feed their databases. Fishframe is not mandatory but is, so far, the most relevant format to answer DCF data calls and to enable scientists, managers to make decisions about related fisheries (elogbooks are “just” declarative data). DG-MARE plans to merge these different schemas within a single standard: FLUX. In practice, dozens of databases will need to comply with these data formats. However, even if stakeholders agree with the approach, they usually have limited IT resources to help them in doing this. In this context, complying with TDWG, OGC, SDMX data formats and protocols are additional steps that are crucial to cover the needs of different communities of user but can't be achieved in the short term.


In few years, MS will only have to deal with FLUX as single data format for fisheries data. They will deliver their data through XML files that are FLUX compliant to the related infrastructure. The infrastructure could be made of either a network of regional databases (nodes) or a single node. On top of these regional nodes, different kinds of data exports will be enabled according to the needs of communities of users: Fishframe XML (and CSV), statistical analysis (SDMX), spatial analysis (OGC), biodiversity (TDWG).. By furnishing FLUX compliant data, MS will then get additional services without any additional developments.

Contribution of IRD

The following collaboration takes place under DCF/french ministry of fisheries funded project. In 2012, IRD has set up a SQL database based on Fishframe XML schema. In 2013, IRD reused an application of french ministry of fisheries transforming ERS version 3 XML schema in a SQL database. IRD will help in mapping ERS and Fishframe XML schema as well as suggesting new elements to extend the FLUX XML schema. This will be achieved in creating UML class diagrams. If needed IRD can set up an SDMX export on top of its Fishframe database.

FAO / VocBench

The collaboration with the VocBench aims to enrich the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. with vocabulary management tools. The need is in the management of code lists of relevance to the iMarine EA-CoPCommunity of Practice.; Local Species names, Gears, Ports, etc. To this end, the VocBench is enriched by the project with specific facilities, this collaboration, known as [Cotrix] started in Jan 2013, and FAO oversees the activities. A first result is expected in early April 2013, after which the mapping between code lists and data will be added. The priority is high.

FAO Chronicles

FAO/Fisheries Chronicles - Statistical data processing in support to the FAO chronicles and production of indicators, including those for robust future projections on catch trends. For these catch trends, access to large corpora of data is a must and collaborative action is imperative to hear as many opinions as necessary to come to a balanced projection. The prospect emerged late in 2012, and will be further pursued in 2013.

DG MARE/MCS/geospatial services to FLUX

Assessment of Geospatial services which the iMarine infrastructure can deliver to FLUX Anton to describe

NEAFC / VTI2 project

The sub-contract with NEAFC has been drafted, and will be discussed shortly. It will support the implementation of the VTI2 project, aiming at realizing a secure data workflow from VMS data stored in the NEAFC servers to aggregated Fishing effort statistics available in standard format (SDMX or Flux) in iMarine registry, for use by e.g. ICES scientists under the conditions planned by the NEAFC-ICES MoU.


Marc/Anton to describe

BESTTuna / Wageningen University

BESTTuna is a programme at Wageningen University on tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific (www.besttuna.wur.nl). A newly funded component of this programme has just been started in which is intended to set up an Open Source data system for tuna in this region. The idea is to cover both quantitative stock and trade data as well as qualitative data around the various treaties in the region. The overall goal is to have an information system that is available online and contributed to by industry and consumers in the region.

This component is very ambitious and at scoping study phase level to see what experiences already exist around interactive information systems on fisheries and seafood. FAO is one of the key organisations of interest in this scoping phase, and a meeting took place in January 2013 where iMarine offering was presented raising strong interest from BESTTuna project side.

FAO / ICIS / TunaAtlas

The collaboration with the Tuna Atlas data managers in FAO primarily aims at fully proofing the Integrated Catch Information System VREVirtual Research Environment. (ICIS): when the harmonization workflow will be fully validated according to the Tuna Atlas requirements, the ICIS VREVirtual Research Environment. prospect will be considered by FAO/FI as a product which has realized the initial objective of ICIS, and as such can enter in a production stage and can be strongly promoted at the level of RFBs and beyond.

Eurostat / SEIF2 project

FAO has a long-term collaboration with Eurostat through the SEIF project. This has resulted in the alignment of codes, and the sharing of data using SDMX. The integration of SDMX in the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. will enable a collaboration also at the level of software development and work-flow support. Priority is medium, as most of the components have already been delivered.


The collaboration with data.fao.org is a key if iMarine manages to position itself a a data suite for resource poor initiatives. This would enable a cost-effective means to geographically dispersed institutions to share their data with FAO and the world at large. In FAO, the core IT department collaborates with iMarine to develop data sharing facilities. iMarine has contributed the OpenSDMX codebase and is now co-developing with CIO. The resources can already be consumed by iMarine through the SDMX Registry and Repository: http://data.fao.org/sdmx/index.html

The registry base URL is: http://data.fao.org/sdmx/registry

For instance, the indicator codelist can be obtained with: http://data.fao.org/sdmx/registry/codelist/FAO/CL_INDICATOR/1.0

Collaboration at this stage is implemented at the level of aligning iMarine and FAO standards and protocols, and data exchange.

FAO/Fisheries Chronicles

Statistical data processing in support to the FAO chronicles and production of indicators including future projections on catch trends.

University of Rennes AgroCampus

The University of Rennes / AgroCampus is involved in the production of indicators required in framework of EU common fishery policy. At the level of collaboration on data exchange and analysis, a software development and component sharing initiative is being fostered among FAO and this French research institute. The prospect is moving towards a planning stage, and will receive further attention later in 2013 pending the availability in the iMarine e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. of several services and software to align with this institute’s expectations.

Market/Business opportunity 2 - Support to access to taxonomic, biodiversity, and environmental databases and related analytical and environmental enrichment services


FAO has a leadership role in the Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Data Base project, where it also proposed the exploitation of iMarine services for e.g. geospatial data management, access to species taxonomy and occurrence data and related quality control data management capacities, biodiversity modeling capacities, access to environmental data, and maps. The development of requirements for collation of necessary data sources is on-going iMarine might also provide its reporting environment in order to enable distributed data input. The project has yet to decide on the software infrastructure, but the exploitation of one or more VREVirtual Research Environment.'s is foreseen. The priority is high

FAO-GEF/ABNJ deep seas programme

it is intended to earmark the iMarine data infrastructure as supporting platform in the ABNJ deep seas programme project document (under development as of March 2013). iMarine would provide i) a repository of scientific data with virtual collaborative scientific environment capacities for VMEs identification, ii) a toolbox for ecological niche modeling in support to VMEs (and possibly EBSAs) processes, iii) VREs for collaborative science in support to joint VMEs-EBSA processes, iv) a collaborative reporting facility in support of deep sea species identification.


The sub-contract with VLIZ aims to reduce the data-management burden for VLIZ, while increasing access to quality indicators for VLIZ data Quality Assurance services. VLIZ is interested to consume services provided through the iMarine infrastructure that will enable it to improve the quality of its geospatial and biodiversity data. VLIZ closely collaborates with the iMarine partner IOC / Unesco – OBIS. VLIZ has proceeded to install a gCube Node.

The collaboration with VLIZ, which includes access to the WORMS taxonomic repository, facilitates the straight access to the deep seas species sub-set elaborated in the framework of InDEEP-WoRMS collaboration on "Name of portal”.

DG MARE/EMODNet-Biodiversity

The collaboration with EMODNet/Biodiversity is given shape through a collaboration with VLIZ. The consumption of Species data by the infrastructure allows biodiversity data managers to harmonize and upgrade the quality of their data products. The collaboration is currently at the level of aligning standards, but when effective products are made available in the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large., this may result in collaboration at service and VREVirtual Research Environment. level


This initiative brings together some 100 governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations to organize and improve terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity observations. With iMarine a potential collaboration will be discussed to allow users of the imarine to align with the formats and standrads of this intiative to make their biodiversity data, information and forecasts more readily accessible to policymakers, managers, experts and other users. The prospect will be further described in 2013.

EU/FP7/EUBon project

For Nicolas Bailly and Ward Appeltans to describe


For Nicolas Bailly to describe

Conservation International / GOLD

Global seafloor geomorphic features map: applications for ocean conservation and management

IOC/Carribean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) project

iMarine has acknowledged the typical needs of a Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) project which supports the production of a comprehensive set of indicators on the State of the marine environment and ecosystems. Thanks to the above described capacities, iMarine could add value by setting-up VREs with access to all data sources and maps of interest to CLME users, and interactive analytical potential.

ESA / Medina project

a preliminary meeting with ESA (an institutional partner of the Medina project) has indicated potential interest in the access to environmental databases and environmental enrichment.

FAO/ spatial data infrastructure

A review of FAO's business case for a Spatial data infrastructure has been made by iMarine staff.

Market / Business opportunity 3 – Generating a EA Linked Open Data network in support to the EA


The collaboration with the EU/SmartFish project aims at implementing a Fisheries Regional Information System for the South West Indian Ocean providing harmonized and seamless access to information detained by three existing and complementary systems, while minimizing interference with those systems. A prototype building on the FLOD knowledge base has been developed.

EU/FP7/AgInfra project

Through the iMarine Board, the dialogue with AgInfra has remained open but it is only by the mid-term of the project that a real collaboration opportunity has emerged with AgInfra; it was deemed important to ensure that the Top Level Ontology (TLO) promoted by FORTH be presented to AgInfra to assess its acceptance in a broader framework. Another stream of collaboration opened in March 2013 concerns the publishing of Fisheries glossaries in Linked Open Data format.

FP7/Geodiva project

The Geodiva project (a new FP7 project proposal which formulation stage two was just closed) can be seen from the iMarine perspective as a super semantic cluster. iMarine is foreseen to deliver the data infrastructure platform serving the Geodiva semantic web goals.

Market / Business opportunity 4 – Collaborative reporting tool, Content management support

FAO / FishFinder

The collaboration with the FAO FishFinder programme (ex FAO Species Identification and Data Programme) has been initiated in June 2012 under the working title [FishFinder]. The collaboration allows the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. access to a rich resource of species information, while FishFinder will be equipped with a Species fact sheets reporting environment (Content Management System) to allow its network of Species information specialists to add Species Identification Sheets. The Toolset evidences the value of the iMarine reporting tools, including the work-flow and templating functions. The collaboration also aims at making available the iMarine reporting tool in developing countries thanks to a standalone plugin which can work off-line.


The iMarine capabilities have been demonstrated to a large number of other initiatives, and /or interested individuals. Several of these have expressed an interest to become involved, and early negotiations have started with e.g. GOLD to offer services for these initiatives, also with a view on future sustainability.