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==October 2013==
==October 2013==
==='''Event Title''': '''iMarine: Data Sharing and Enrichment Workshop @ EUDAT 2nd Conference'''===
* Venue: Rome, Italy
* Dates: 28 October, 2013  (14:00 - 18:00)
* URL:
* Brief Description of Event:
* Reason of iMarine Participation:
* iMarine Representative:
* Target Audience:
* Communities attending the event:
* Dissemination material:
* Impact (post event)
==November 2013==
==November 2013==

Revision as of 10:42, 3 September 2013

Please use this page to add info on the events you are going to attend

Event Title:

  • Venue:
  • Dates:
  • URL:
  • Brief Description of Event:
  • Reason of iMarine Participation:
  • iMarine Representative:
  • Target Audience:
  • Communities attending the event:
  • Dissemination material:
  • Impact (post event)

iMarine events - (M1/M10)

Event Date Location Target Audience Objectives Main Outcomes Dissemination Material
EU Parliament 20 Oct 2011 Brussels, Belgium Presentation by CNR
eScience 2011 8 Dec 2011 Stockholm, Sweden Presentation by NKUA
Discovery Reinvented: The Promise of European Open Science, Belgian Royal Society 14 Dec 2011 Brussels, Belgium Presentation by CNR
CWP Meeting Dec 2011 Rome, Italy Presentation by NKUA
IRCDL 9 Feb 2012 Bari, Italy Presentation by CNR
ScienceSoft 15 Feb 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Presentation by CNR
CloudscapeIV 24 Feb 2012 Brussels, Belgium Presentation by CNR
EGI Community Forum 26-30 March 2012 Munich, Germany Presentation by CNR
3rd Marine Board Forum 18 April 2012 Brussels, Belgium Presentation by CNR
6th Spanish e-Science Network meeting 16 May 2012 Madrid, Spain Presentation by CERN
iMarine, EarthServer, ESPAS meeting in Athens: opportunities in array data management for Earth Observation 29 June 2012 Athens, Greece Presentation by NKUA

iMarine events - (M11/M20)

Event Date Location Target Audience Objectives Main Outcomes Dissemination Material & iMarine Representatives
EGI Technical Forum 17-21 September 2012 Prague, Czech Republic Software developers, programming developers, scientific user communities Presentation of iMarine e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. by CERN Promotion of the iMarine offering
Geo-Seas International Workshop 9-10 Oct 2012 Cork, Ireland Data managers Poster Session to showcase iMarine services for the discovery, assessment and access to a range of marine geosciences datasets Technological networking to optimize iMarine solutions and increase know-how Poster
Marine Knowledge All Projects meeting 11-12 Oct 2012 Brussels, Belgium marine-related initiatives EMODNET, CSA Ocean, EuroMarine, ASSEMBLE, EMBRC Present the activities carried out by each project and their outcomes to share common future guidelines and drive forward joint efforts First contact estabilshed with EMODNET community. The collaboration is currently at the level of aligning standards/data sharing
Biodiversity Information Standards TDWG 2012 Annual Conference 26 Oct 2012 Beijing, China Policy makers iMarine results presentation by Yde De Yong (iMarine Board member) iMarine promotion to the Board network
Mediterranean Regional Database Meeting 28-29 Nov 2012 Rome, Italy Policy Makers Presentation of the iMarine offering by FAO to understand if iMarine can meet requirements of the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas iMarine offering promotion
Informal Meeting at ESA Rome,Italy ESA staff iMarine presentation by FAO to consider possible collaboration with ESA projects such as the Medina project iMarine offering promotion
Joint Research Unit LifeWatch-ITA 14 -15 Jan 2013 Rome,Italy members of the JRU, representatives of the Ministries and the regions Presentation by CNR-ISTI of the iMarine offering to understand potential collaborations Training material produced by iMarine will be incorporated in the LifeWatch training modules disseminated by the Service Center; �iMarine representatives will follow the requirements of the LifeWatch “Alien Species Showcase” to evaluate the feasibility of hosting on the iMarine infrastructure also a VREVirtual Research Environment. dedicated to scientists studying alien species in the marine environment.�Join meeting at the EUDAT conference (Oct 2013)
EU BON Symposium 1-12 Feb 2013 Berlin, Germany Networking session
FIRMS Steering Committee Meeting - 8th Session 4-8 Feb 2013 Rome, Italy Data managers, Fishery communities Showcase how data harmonization with semantic technologies can support the generation of dynamic fact sheets (FAO presentation) Understanding of VREVirtual Research Environment. possibilities. Collaborate on VREVirtual Research Environment. development Marc Taconet, FAO - Anton Ellenbroek, FAO
24th Session of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics 5-9 Feb 2013 Rome, Italy Data managers, Fishery communities Showcase of the Integrated Capture Information System VREVirtual Research Environment. (FAO presentation) Understanding of VREVirtual Research Environment. possibilities. Collaborate on VREVirtual Research Environment. development ICIS demo http://www.i-marine.eu/Content/eTraining.aspx?id=47a8ca76-12c9-4e52-9f18-c01f495dd123 and the first training module on tabular data harmonization http://www.i-marine.eu/Content/eTraining.aspx?id=152c8695-5c72-4c69-b6f6-bdcf87776076
Cloudscape V 27-28 Feb 2013 Brussels, Belgium Research Community, Policy makers, large enterprises Dissemination of the iMarine Calendar Impact (post event) iMarine promotion Dissemination of the iMarine Calendar
10th e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. Concertation Meeting 6-7 March 2013 Brussels, Belgium e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. providers, EC projects iMarine Success Story presentation and iMarine promotion Second prize of the Success Story competition + iMarine promotion iMarine Success Story - iMarine flier
XXII Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange 11- 15 March 2013 Baja California, México Policy makers, Strategic thinkers iMarine flier disseminated at the event iMarine promotion to the Board network iMarine flier
Workshop "Towards a Roadmap for Research Infrastructures on Biodiversity and Ecosystem research in Europe" 19-20 March 2013 Brussels, Belgium ESFRI projects, research infrastructures , Integrated Projects and Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) relevant to Biodiversity and Ecosystem research. Present iMarine biodiversity components & develop synergies with ESFRI and research infrastructures

iMarine presentation by CNR-ISTI

Understanding of iMarine positioning
International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, ICANNGA’13 4-6 April 2013 Lausanne, Switzerland Researchers Poster on Automatic Procedures to Assist in Manual Review of Marine Species Distribution Maps presentation by CNR-ISTI Technological networking to optimize iMarine solutions and increase know-how Poster
EGI Community Forum 2013 8-12 April 2013 Manchester, UK Software developers, programming developers, scientific user communities Species distribution modeling based on the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Infrastructure presentation by CERN Promotion of the iMarine offering
GEOHAB2013 6-10 May 2013 Rome, Italy geologists, biologists, statisticians, spatial analysts and environmental managers iMarine services presentation by CNR-ISTI iMarine promotion
iMarine e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. for data driven decision making and research workshop 14 - 15 May 2013 Brussels, Belgium Workshop participants

European Commission: Antonios Barbas and Carlos Morais-Pires, e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large. Unit, DG CONNECT; Francky Callewaert, Integrated Fisheries Data Management, DG MARE; David Connor, Marine Environment and Water Industry, DG Environment; Olivier Fontaine, Maritime policy for the Mediterranean and Black Sea, DG MARE; Amelie Knapp, Structural action: Ireland, Spain, France, Portugal and the UK, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; Anne Teller, Biodiversity Policy Officer, DG Environment. Waddah Saab, DG RTD. EU agencies: Darja Lihteneger, European Environmental Agency (EEA). National government agencies & public institutions: Pablo Aduanza, Department of Fisheries, Spanish Institute of Oceanography; Ingrid Bergeret, Head of Fisheries and Aquaculture Information System, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (DPMA/MSIPA); Francisco Hernandez, Flanders Marine Institute. EU & global affiliations: Maud Evrard, Science Europe; Rainer Froese, GEOMAR; Giuseppe Manzella, ENEA; Yolanda Sagarminaga, AZTI Tecnalia. EC programmes & global initiatives represented: European Marine Observation and Data Network – Biology and Physics (EMODnet); FishBase; JPI Oceans; EurOBIS. iMarine, including members of the iMarine Board: Ward Appeltans, Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO; Nicolas Bailly, FIN; Patrico Bernal, IUCN High Seas Initiatives Coordinator; Donatella Castelli, Gianpaolo Coro and Pasquale Pagano, ISTI-CNR; Willem Demoor, VLIZ; Mark Dickey-Collas, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES); Anton Ellenbroek and Marc Taconet, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Fisheries Information and statistics Branch (FIPS); Sara Garavelli and Silvana Muscella, Trust-IT Services; Rachel Lewsley, North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission; Panagiotis Liakos, Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Bringing together representatives from DG CONNECT, DG Environment, DG MARE, DG Maritime Affairs and DG RTD with experts and stakeholders from the marine environment to share respective priorities and build consensus on potential roles iMarine could play in the short to medium term. co-ordination within the Commission & identification of relevant services; consensus on the need to capitalise on what already exists while taking on board specific requirements at the policy level; identification of XX diverse opportunities for new collaborations to support the policy-making process and extend the user base for marine science; active engagement of 9 out 18 participants in future iMarine discussions Workshop organisation & logistics; Participants identification & invitation; Background documentation preparation; Record of the workshop (complete transcription of all presentations & discussions); Workshop Report distribution to the workshop participants; Publication of the 2-page executive summary
The EuroMarine Web Environment 21-23 May 2013 Bremen, Germany Representatives of past and present EU initiatives, web service providers, such as �Google, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, LinkedIn, Thomson Reuters, Elsevier �and Wikipedia Presentation by CNR-ISTI to highlight the iMarine Web Environment key components and layers: Digital Infrastructures & Data sources , Virtual Research Environments and the newly added innovative social networking layer iMarine promotion & understanding of iMarine positioning on the market
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services 19 June 2013 Rome, Italy Working Group on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems members, DG Environment, UNEP-WCMC, Medpan Presentation by FAO of iMarine services to raise awareness of experts and stakeholders on the importance of the mapping and assessment of ecosystem services in the marine environment With its marine fisheries, biodiversity, and environment scientific components, the iMarine platform including data products and services appears particularly well positioned to adequately serve the needs of MAES. The meeting also provided the opportunity for networking discussions. Engagement of 2 external advisors
iMarine Blue Hackathon event 28 June 2013 - 2 July 2013 Crete, Greece Developers, designers, environmental scientists and scientists of other disciplines


Discuss technology solutions to solve environmental problems related to water and the atmosphere Expressions of interest on the development of iMarine mobile applications based on the e-InfrastructureAn operational combination of digital technologies (hardware and software), resources (data and services), communications (protocols, access rights and networks), and the people and organizational structures needed to support research efforts and collaboration in the large.

iMarine events - (M21/M30)

Event Date Location Target Audience Objectives Main Outcomes Dissemination Material
Biodiversity Informatics in Europe 3-6 September 2013 Rome, Italy iMarine flier, poster
RDA 2nd Plenary Meeting 16-18 September, 2013 Washington DC, US 2nd working meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) involvement in RDA working / interest groups 1 Poster - 3ft wide x 4ft height and trifold brochures
Arctic and Marine Research Infrastructures workshop 17-18 September, 2013 Rome, Italy The Commission is organizing a workshop in Rome, on 17 (afternoon)-18 September on Arctic and Marine Research Infrastructures: it will gather key European stakeholders (ESFRI and other relevant European initiatives, FP7 Research Infrastructures coordinators etc.). It will take place just before a EU-Canada-US Symposium on the same topic. The objective of the workshop is twofold: - identifying areas and ways of cooperation with third countries, in particular US and Canada; - discussing European research infrastructures strategies, in particular in the context of the work of ESFRI, and synergies between key European initiatives and infrastructures projects. We expect in-depth discussions and exchanges on three key overarching issues: a) science planning from the short- to the long-term; b) coordination, harmonization and access to facilities and data; and c) proposing, evaluating and funding research infrastructures. The outcome of the workshop will feed the above mentioned Symposium. We tentatively estimate the number of participants to around 50. For your information it follows a series of workshopsorganized in other fields e.g. on research infrastructures for atmospheric or biodiversity/ecosystems research (information can be found here http://www.test.ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/index_en.cfm?pg=synergies). The workshop will take place in Rome, hosted by CNR. Contact to attend the workshop: Agnes.ROBIN@ec.europa.eu
International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - IMDIS 23-25 September, 2013 Lucca, Italy Presentation by NKUA
iMarine: Data Sharing and Enrichment Workshop @ EUDAT 2nd Conference 28 October, 2013 (14:00 - 18:00) Rome, Italy

October 2013

November 2013

Event Title: ICT2013

  • Venue: Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Dates: 6-8 November, 2013
  • Deadlines for exhibition booth: 7 June 2013
  • Deadlines to submit a networking session: 26 April 2013
  • URL:
  • Brief Description of Event:
  • Reason of iMarine Participation:
  • iMarine Representative:
  • Target Audience:
  • Communities attending the event:
  • Dissemination material:
  • Impact (post event)