Design Model API For Clients

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Assumptions and Terminology

Goals and Principles

Service Proxies

Proxy Lifetime

Direct Mode

Endpoint Addresses

Endpoint References

Discovery Mode


Endpoint Management

Proxy API



Bulk Inputs and Outputs

Asychronous Methods





Service Instances

Lifetime Methods

Property Operations

Context Management

Scope Management

Security Management

Session Management

Coding Guidelines

Naming Conventions

Appendix A: Specifications

Appendix B: API

Appendix C: Framework Requirement and Guidelines

Let foo be a service within the system. In what follows, we discuss the design of a client-side API for foo. In the process, we outline a generic model for similar APIs based on a small number of classes and interfaces. These compilation units are placed in org.gcube.common.clients.api package and are implemented in a common-clients-api library.