AppliFish2 Synchronization

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Revision as of 12:38, 9 April 2013 by Anton.ellenbroek (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Push Features No requirements yet described for pushing from iMarine into Apps Pull Features * New species fact sheets may be published by FAO. These will be discoverable thro...")

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Push Features

No requirements yet described for pushing from iMarine into Apps

Pull Features

  • For the Android app AppliFish data were extracted from the FAO FishFinder Aquatic Species fact sheets. The webservice for extracting selected pieces of information through specific XPaths download the results in CSV or JSON format (F.Fiorellato). The list of endpoints (URLs) for the available services are:

Full data extraction

       Example (extract ALL data in CSV format):
       Example (extract ALL data in JSON format): 

Subset (by 3-alpha-code) data extraction

   Syntax:<comma separated list of 3-alpha codes>.<format>
       Example (extract data for Bluefin Tuna, Swordfish and Albacore in CSV format):,SWO,ALB.csv
       Example (extract all data for Bluefin Tuna, Swordfish and Albacore in JSON format):,SWO,ALB.json 

List all associations between 3-alpha-code and factsheet IDs

       Example (extract all associations in CSV format):
       Example (extract all associations in JSON format): 

Rescan the species factsheets (to be invoked when species factsheets are added, deleted or updated in order to reflect updates in the dataset)


The actual XPaths are:

   FAO3AlphaCode: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:FAO3AlphaCode
   FAOName.en: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:FAOName/fi:En fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:FAOName/fi:Fr
   FAOName.sp: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:FAOName/fi:Sp
   Image (width 300)[!] fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:Image[1] Please note that in several cases there are multiple images and drawings
   ScientificName: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fint:ScientificName
   Family fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:SciName/fi:Family
   PersonalAuthor: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:SciName/ags:PersonalAuthor Please note that Author and year need to be concatenated <author, year> and putin brackets if the attribute “ChangedGenus” (fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:SciName) is = Y
   Year: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesIdent/fi:SciName/fi:Year
   DiagnosticFeat: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesProfile/fi:DiagnosticFeat (all sub elements to be concatenated)
   AreaText: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:GeoDist fi:AqSpeciesText+ fi:AreaText
   HabitatBio: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:HabitatBio all text for its sub-elements but skipping the content of the following sub-elements:
       Bathymetry node fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:HabitatBio/fi:DepthBehav/fi:Bathymetry
       Reproduction: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:HabitatBio/fi:Reproduction
       Feeding: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:HabitatBio/fi:Feeding 
   InterestFisheries only FisheriesText: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:InterestFisheries/fi:FisheriesText (all sub elements to be concatenated)
   Local names: fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:LocalName then each name (and its country) is by entry fi:FIGISDoc/fi:AqSpecies/fi:AqSpeciesFeature/fi:LocalName/fi:LocalNameEntry[XXXX] we suggest a format as <localName> (Country)