7th TCom Meeting: Agenda

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Meeting Venue: FAO Headquarter, Rome, Italy

Meeting Room: Cuba Room (B224)


Meeting Timetable

WP9 Data Access
WP9 Data Assessment
WP10 XSearch
Project Extension
Coffee Break
WP10 - OWS
Project Extension
Technical discussion
WP10 - Semantic Analysis
Project Extension
Technical discussion
Lunch Break
WP8 SMartGears
WP8 Accounting
Portal gCore Free
Technical discussions
WP8 Security
OGC Metadata
Technical discussions
Coffee Break
WP8 Accounting
WP3-WP6 Coord.
Technical discussions
WP3-WP6 Coord.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Meeting Room: Cuba Room (B224)

Google Hangout link : https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/609ae19d29212273beeef47be88362f27eac3da1?hl=en

11:00-12:00 - WP7

Presenter: Paolo Fabriani (E-IIS)

  • Status and presentations of the new tools
  • Activities: Java 7, GWT 2.5.1, dismission of old configurations, status of mavenization
  • Plan for the next releases
  • Status of the documentation

12:00-12:30 - WP5

Presenter: Andrea Manzi (CERN)

  • WP status and plan
  • Infrastructure upgrade to java 7
  • Testing of other Messaging Solutions

14:00-15:15 - WP8: SmartGears

Presenter: Fabio Simeoni (FAO), Andrea Manzi (CERN)

  • New Smartgears Framework overview
  • Future activities

15:15-16:00 - WP8: Security

Presenter: Ciro Formisano (E-IIS)

  • Features that have been tested
  • Benchmark of the tested features
  • Plan for the features to be tested
  • Plan of the features to be adopted in the production infrastructure
  • how to handle security JDBC connections ( discussion)

17:30-18:30 - PEB

Chair: Pasquale Pagano (CNR) Participants: WP leaders

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

09:00-09:20 - WP9 - Data Access

Presenter: Valentina Marioli (CNR)

  • new Home Library service side: opportunities and vision

09:20-09:40 - WP9 - Data Assessment

Presenter: Luigi Fortunati (CNR)

  • Tabular Data Manager and its libraries
  • First release: features and capabilities
  • Plan for the next releases

09:40-10:00 - WP10 - Data Retrieval

Presenter: A. Antoniadis (NKUA)

  • Federated Search (SRU) status

10:30-11:00 - WP10 - XSearch

Presenter: Pavlos Fafalios (Forth)

  • XSearch and Xlink

11:00-12:00 - WP10 - OWS

Presenter: Hervé Caumont, Fabrice Brito (Terradue)

  • OWS Context API and Visualization tools

12:00-13:00 - WP10 - Semantic Data Analysis

Presenters: Carlo Allocca (Forth), Nikos Minadakis (Forth), Yannis Tzitzikas (Forth)

  • Marine TLO
  • Warehouse
  • Warehouse construction process
  • FishBase and MarineTLO

14:00-14:30 - WP8 - Accounting

Presenter: Ermanno Tramaglino (E-IIS)

  • Status of the activities
  • Integration plan including prioritization of the components that have to account for the operations

14:30-15:15 - WP6/WP11 - Towards a Portal gCore-free

Presenter: Massimiliano Assante (CNR), NKUA

  • Porting to FWS status of the activities (10-15 mins) CNR
  • Porting to FWS status of the activities (10-15 mins) NKUA
  • Widgets Store (15-20 mins) CNR

15:15-16:00 - WP6 - OGC Metadata

Presenters: Emmanuel Blondel (FAO), Fabio Sinibaldi (CNR)

  • 19115/10139 OGC metadata / metadata cataloguing
    • generic metadata generator for FIGIS GIS data collections
    • INSPIRE metadata validation
    • application to other collections (started work on RFB metadata, plans for VME)
    • link to other developments: SmartFish / Semantic Repository
    • GIS OGC metadata for deep-sea species occurrence datasets
    • GIS Discovery applications (Geoexplorer/ GIS Viewer)

16:30-18:00 WP3/WP6 - Coordination and Collaboration Activities

Presenters: Emmanuel Blondel (FAO), Erik Van (FAO), Luigi Fortunati (CNR), Massimiliano Assante (CNR)

  • SPREAD: status, plans for integration in the infrastructure
  • VME-DB: status, opportunities and plan for actions
  • VALID: Status, opportunities and plan for actions

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

09:00-10:00 - WP6

Presenter: Nicolas Bailly (FIN)

  • Workflow for taxon name matching: BiOnym
  • Data policies for AquaMaps data
  • YRL for GIS layers

10:00-11:00 - Project Extension

Moderator: Pasquale Pagano (CNR)

  • Discussion on new tasks to include on the DoW

11:30-12:30 - Project Extension

Moderator: Andrea Manzi (CERN)

  • Discussion on the Infras Management tasks from CERN to pass to CNR/NKUA

11:00-13:00 - Paralllel techinical discussions

Sessions dedicated to technical topics

  • WPS integration: T2, Gianpaolo Coro (CNR)
  • SPREAD integration: Emmanuel Blondel (FAO), T2, Luigi Fortunati (CNR)
  • New Visualization Facilities: NKUA, Fabio Sinibaldi, Francesco Mangiacrapa (CNR)
  • Data Transfer Exploitation: Andrea Manzi (CERN), Roberto Cirillo, Lucio Lelii (CNR)

14:30-17:00 - Paralllel techinical discussions

Continuation from morning sessions