7.12.2012-TLO FLOD Ontological Analysis

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Time: Fri, Dec 07, 2012, 12:00 - 13:40 CEST

1) Quick introduction of the TLO-activity methodology

  • Looking for any comments and feedback from all the participants

2) Motivation-Goal-Requirements of the TLO

  • Looking for any comments and feedback from all the participants

3) FLOD Ontological Analysis: First Iteration

  • Looking for any comments and feedback from all the participants, in particular from Claudio

4) Next steps

  • Looking for any comments and feedback from all the participants

5) Any related issue if needed


  • Carlo Allocca (FORTH)
  • Chryssoula Bekiari (FORTH)
  • Claudio Baldassarre (FIPS)
  • Pasquale Pagano (CNR Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie)
  • Yannis Marketakis (FORTH)
  • Ellenbroek, Anton (FIPS)

Discussion Summary

1) Quick introduction of the TLO-activity methodology

2) Motivation-Goal-Requirements of the TLO

  • Generally, we agreed on the Motivation-Goal-Requirements of the TLO as described at http://wiki.i-marine.eu/index.php/Top_Level_Ontology#Motivation_-_Goal_-_Requirements.
  • To sup up:
    • MOT: Semantic Web Technologies, Applications and Services for biodiversity mostly rely on network of knowledge models interconnected at syntactical and semantically levels to provide a solid basis for the interoperability of the biodiversity systems.
    • GOAL: Our goal in modelling and formalising a TLO is for integrating and semantically extending the underlying models of the existing marine data sources such as FLOD and ECOSCOPE.
    • REQui: The main requirements that the TLO should satisfy are:
      • R1: Focusing on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Marine Resources, TLO should be generic enough to provide consistent abstraction or specification of concepts included in all data models or ontologies of marine data sources
      • R2: Focusing on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Marine Resources, TLO should be generic enough to provide the necessary properties to make this distributed knowledge bases (FLOD, ECOSCOPE and so on and so forth) a coherent source of facts, relating observation data to the respective space-temporal context and categorical domain knowledge.
  • Some Remarks:
    • Better clarify the use of the DwC and IBIS, adding the reference to all of them

3) FLOD Ontological Analysis: First Iteration

  • We clarified why we need a such analysis
    • In developing a TLO which should satisfy R1 and R2, the first question that we would like to answer is: WHY Doesn't FLOD satisfy the above requirements?; in WHAT Doesn't FLOD satisfy, itself, the above requirements? Or, in other words, what are the concepts and properties that are missing to make FLOD to be the favourite model? To answer this questions, we had to do an ontological analysis of FLOD.
  • We pointed out why FLOD cannot be considered the favourite model
    • we discussed about the following competence query: "Give me all the Species of the Benguela Ecosystem". Generally, FLOD does not have a complete data structure needed to answer this type of query. Particularly, FLOD does not provide Species, Ecosystem as concepts, therefore, it does not have Benguela as instance of Ecosystem.
    • For this reason, we want to build a knowledge model, such as the TLO, that is generic and expressive enough to be able to support such a query.
  • Once, we have the TLO that satisfy R1 and R2, the next discussed question was
    • HOW does FLOD get benefits from the TLO? To answer this question, we discussed and agreed on an example of "Mapping Pattern" between FLOD and TLO based on the Fig. 8 in the document http://bscw.research-infrastructures.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d260861/FLOD%20analysis%20First%20Iteration.pdf. The main idea is to use TLO to classify appropriately - w. r. t. the domain of discourse - the instances of CodedEntity, CodedEntitySet, Code classes from FLOD. We also agreed on the fact that as FLOD is based on an modular approach and makes use of the ontology design pattern (shown in Fig 10 in the document http://bscw.research-infrastructures.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d260861/FLOD%20analysis%20First%20Iteration.pdf), we could use similar mapping patterns to semantically extend other part of the FLOD model (such as gear, vessel, port, gearCode, VesselCode, PortCode) using the TLO.
    • Related to the integration of FLOD and ECOSCOPE, we also discussed about the problem of co-reference resolution across the several marine data sources. We all agreed that this is an issues for long term future work as the TLO is looking at the integration of FLOD and ECOSCOPE at "Schema level", and not at "Instance Level", which in our case could be considered as requirement to have also an integration at instance level.

4) Next steps

  • Based on the particular discussed and agreed example of the mapping pattern, we need to make development progress of the TLO in order to implement and test it.

5) Any related issue if needed None.


  • Based on the particular discussed and agreed example of the mapping pattern, we need to make development progress of the TLO in order to implement and test it.
  • Working on the ECOSCOPE ontological analysis.