Upgrade Plan 380 gCubeApps
From D4Science Wiki
Tomcat 7
- node76.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu (JackRabbit)
GHNgCube Hosting Node. to clean and upgrade using the following instructions
- (CNR) DONE node1.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu
- gcube01.vliz.be
gCubeApps VOVirtual Organization;
Hosting nodes
GHNgCube Hosting Node. to clean and upgrade using the following instructions
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager1.d4science.org
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager2.d4science.org
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager3.d4science.org
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager4.d4science.org
- node47.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu
- node49.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu
- (CNR) DONE node66.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu (8000)
Smartgears to upgrade with 1.2.2 version
- (CNR) DONE tabulardata.d4science.org
- Upgrade JackRabbit configuration: add certificate, deploy webapp
- change configuration ServiceEndpoint for UriResolver Manager library
- create ServiceEndpoint for transect webapp
- (CNR) DONE set log level to INFO on all IS-Collector instances (root and gCubeApps)
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager1.d4science.org:8080: Deploy and configure Statistical Manager service
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager2.d4science.org:8080: Deploy and configure Statistical Manager service
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager3.d4science.org:8080: Deploy and configure Statistical Manager service
- (CNR) DONE statistical-manager4.d4science.org:8080: Deploy and configure Statistical Manager service
- (CNR) DONE tabulardata.d4science.org: upgrade and configure TabularData service
- (CNR) DONE node1.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8000 Deploy and configure ResourceManager service
- node47.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080: upgrade gbif plugin, replace lib spd-model-library
- node49.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8080 Raplace home library libs
- node66.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu:8000 Deploy and configure ResourceManager service
- (CNR) DONE gcube01.vliz.be:8080 upgrade obis plugin, replace lib spd-model-library
- node76.p.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu: deploy new webapp for JackRabbit
- monitor.d4science.research-infrastructures.eu: deploy new webapp transect