02.05.2014 BiolDiv
From D4Science Wiki
Meeting 02 May 2014, 10:00 am
Google Hangout
Present: Fabio, Nicolas, Casey, Edward, Gianpaolo
BiOnym paper
- Nicolas could not work on the paper this week (BioFresh finalization).
- Section 2. Outlines done by Edward; to be completed: GP on Taverna and Galaxy, Fabio on other uses, and Nicolas on FishBase. Edward makes the conclusion.
- In overview, it is necessary to mention CoL, and Rod Page's work.
- GP made the changes in sections 3 and 4 as suggested last week. Discussion of comparison of parsers to e moved to below the presentation of the numerical results
- Restrict 3.7 that is mainly to be discussed in section 5 for future work.
- Edward added a subsection in section 4.
- Finish section 2 and 5 for the next week call (Edward, Nicolas, Fabio, GP).
- Nicolas to input section 5 + indication about who should complete what.
- Section 6: start to collect outline and ideas, the main messages we want to convey.
- Anton to contribute to section 5 and 6 (Nicolas to contact him, and GP will contact Lino as a first reviewer).
- Final layout under LaTeX by GP.
User Interface
- Machine completely set up in CNR.
- Issue: the deployment in TomCat is problematic, and Casey and Angela reported different errors.
- GP suggests that Casey works only on CNR machine from now, and give up her local implementation, so Angela and Casey can work on the same error.
- However, at a later stage it will be interesting to determine the error for future collaboration of that type.
Next meetings
Thursday 08 May 2014, 10:00 am European time.