Procedure QA Deployment
Preparation of the QA validation plan
A gCube release result of the integration activity implemented by WP7 could include a high number of new and upgrade components. The information about the components that are part of a release are listed in trac under the report ( grouped by milestone)
Each subsystem listed on the report includes different types of components to upgrade/install on the infrastructure. In order to understand what are the components to include and how to plan the upgrade we have a list of known categories.
Bundle components
Belongs to this group of components the base containers and enablers of our infrastructure:
- org.gcube.portal.portal-bundle
- org.gcube.distribution.ghn-distribution
- org.gcube.distribution.smartgears-distribution
When a new version of these components is released we should check the impact in terms of libraries/configuration to upgrade and prepare upgrade scripts/detailed instructions.
Portal components
Components GUI side to to be installed only on the infrastructure portal:
- org.portlets-*
- org.portal-
- org.gcube.application-support-layer.*
In addiction to these subsystem, some other GUI side components are part of the subsystems. org.gcube.application and org.gcube.messaging.
Those components represent the base