JAVA 7 Infrastructure Deployment

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The deployment of a production infrastructure fully JAVA 7 based derives from a successfull integration of a gCube release with JAVA 7 ( 3.0.0). The integration of the gCube release 3.0.0 is on the other hand based on the successfully integration and test of the HEAD release.

HEAD test plan

The list of actions/tasks to be performed by both developers and integration team (2440) in order to be ready to release a fully java 7 based gCube release.

[JAVA_7_Infrastructure_Deployment#Modification_to_local_development_environment_to_use_JAVA_7_.28Oracle.29] WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6
J.Michel / L. Nguyen D. Castelli A. Ellenbroek S. Garavelli A. Manzi L. Candela

Modification to local development environment to use JAVA 7 (Oracle)

Description: All developers should check and upgrade their development environments ( and IDE) to use JAVA SE 7. ( distributed by Oracle). This applies to both Maven and not-Maven components.

Responsible: Development team

Deadline : 20/12/2013

Status: Ongoing

Related ticket: n/a

Modification to the maven-parent to use JAVA 7

Description: The maven-parent contains references to JAVA 6 build options. It should be upgraded to use JAVA 7

Responsible: ENG

Deadline : 20/12/2013

Status: DONE

Related ticket: 2441

Switch the HEAD builds and nightlies to JAVA 7

Description: HEAD remote builds and Nightlies should be upgrade to run with JAVA 7.

Responsible: ENG

Deadline : 20/12/2013

Status: DONE

Related ticket: 2442

GHNgCube Hosting Node. and SmartGears distributions built with JAVA 7

Description: Both the GHNgCube Hosting Node. and the SmartGears distributions built with java 7 need to be made available to the devs


Deadline : Before the holidays

Status: DONE

Related ticket: 2443

Development infra runtime upgrade to JAVA 7

Description: the Development infra running environment should be upgraded to JAVA 7

Responsible: CERN

Deadline : After the Holidays


Related ticket: 2444

Portal Bundle built with JAVA 7



Deadline :


Related ticket:

GHNgCube Hosting Node. and SmartGears JAVA 7 on the dev infra



Deadline :


Related ticket:

Development infra components upgrade to JAVA 7



Deadline :


Related ticket:

gCube 3.0.0 integration plan