EA-CoP Data Access and Sharing Policies

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Revision as of 16:28, 27 January 2012 by Aureliano.gentile (Talk | contribs) (Introduction)

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The goal of the data access and sharing policies is to provide implementation scenarios for secure and confidential access to resources and services.

The development of workable models for data policies here focusses on meeting demands that exists in the CoPCommunity of Practice. and build on the services provided by Infrastructure Policies.

The discussion in the CoPCommunity of Practice. is documented in the iMarine Board Channel, where the CoPCommunity of Practice. has been equipped with a doument area and a discussion forum to facilitate an informal yet confidential discussion for 'members only'.

The outputs of that discussion are documented here, for comments by the Project Implementation partners of the consortium.

Why Data Access and Sharing Policies?
Policies are needed to guarantee the integrity of all data populating iMarine and to maximize their utilization while preserving the original utilization policy settings.

