03.04.2014 BiolDiv

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Revision as of 12:19, 16 April 2014 by Edward.vberghe (Talk | contribs) (Next meetings)

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Meeting Thursday 3 April 2014

Present: Casey, GP, Fabio, Edward; Nicolas joined after 15 minutes


Edward had trouble with the Google Docs technology: apparently Google Docs doesn't save remarks for him (though he uses the exact same version of Firefox as GP); he'll look for a solution using Google search, otherwise work on the Google document with Chrome


[Casey will report on the discussion about the interface, and the technical issues]


We went through the manuscript as it stands now; all the to-dos and issues were written into the document by Nicolas, will not be repeated here.

Every section now has a lead; the lead will report the present state of his section by inserting a comment. We agreed that we should still be allowed to edit sections where others have the lead, but that if we do so, and if the edit is more than just the correction of a typo, that we will insert a comment to indicate where and what, and why, we did the edit.

We'll concentrate now on sections 1, 3 and 4 hoping to finalise soon. Edward and Nicolas to read the new sections 3 (but not 3.4 - GP is editing) and 4 to check whether earlier remarks still stand.

Nicolas will deal with the few remaining issues in 1, and further flesh out 5. Edward will edit Fabio's diagrams to illustrate the workflow. GP will concentrate on section 3.4

Next meetings

GP & Casey tomorrow on technical issues.

Next meeting for the full group: possibly Monday, depending on whether those issues were resolved. Certainly Thursday, usual time and place