28.06.2013 IRD/FAO/SIP

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2013-06-28 IRD Meeting minutes (Prepared by FAO, Y.Laurent)


IRD : Julien Barde / Norbert Billet / Pierre Chavance / Pascal Cauquil / Julien Lebranchu / Pascal Bach FAO / SIP : Yann Laurent SIP : Olivier Roux / Grégoire Pichenot / Jacques Joyeux

Tentative agenda

  • Yann / Julien : 8h30 – 9h30 : discussion on FLUX / FishFrame (
  • Yann / Julien / Pierre / Pascal : 9h30 – 10h30: Observer project discussion
  • All : from 10.30 : demo of the new StatBase version, presentation of new features ; SmartFish evolution presentation and discussion, IRD vision of StatBase future

Discussion on FLUX / FishFrame

  • Julien Barde presented the latest development done by IRD on FishFrame (FF) format.
  • Julien presented the context of FishFrame and the previous activities done by Céline Rodriguez to identify DCF (Data Collection Framework ) elements in the different IRD databases and create a data dictionary.
  • Julien reminded us about the difference between FishFrame (data exchange format) and COST (data process librairies)

FishFrame format offers the structure for observer data; it has been used as reference for the XML file as output of CERIT data.

  • Julien Lebranchu, java developer, has worked on the CERIT tool (the DPMA data input tool) to get the observer data in XML format and import it in a PostgreSQL database.
  • FLUX provides format on several fisheries domains like eRS but does not provide a specific format on observer data, which are essential for scientific committees’ analysis. IRD has validated this observer schema available in FF by developing tools to extract data from DPMA and import them in a database.
  • The analysis of the FishFrame format for observer data and FLUX eRS format highlights numerous similarities in concepts. Code lists can be different. IRD recommends inserting FF observer schema in FLUX using FLUX code lists. IRD is seeking for some supports and / or advices on the methodology.
  • Yann recommended to contact Francky and offer him to describe completely the observer data schema candidate for FLUX in a UN/CEFACT template. The legal framework has to be carefully assessed.

Discussion on Observer project

  • IRD has developed a tool for seiner observer data called ObServe-PS. A tool has been developed (standalone application on laptop, java/ H2database, central postgres/gis database) and is currently used for onboard observers programs used on French, Spanish and Seychelles seiners.
  • There is an identified need for similar tool for longliners ObServe-LL. In terms of fisheries technics, longliners operates in a radically different way than seiners. In terms of IT tool, it seemed to Yann that most of the features are already available in the current tool, managing longliners data could be seen as a new module for the current system.
  • The current project proposed for funding is the extension of this observer tool to longliners. A requirement document is available. The goal is to collect observer data directly on board, synchronize data with a centralized data and then provide reports for RFMO scientific committees (standard format like FishFrame or FLUX?).

Pascal Bach has described the long process to find fundings (started in 2011 with lot of back and forth discussions with partners).

Needs are of 2 types:

  • Software development resources
  • South-South cooperation for training and technical backstopping / material purchase
  • Yann indicates that he will seek with iMarine and SmartFish how the project can be supported now that he knows better the context. SmartFish could be a candidate to support south-south cooperation. He requested Pascal Cauquil to send him the requirements document. He encourages Pierre Chavance and Pascal Bach to also seek support from their partners using the current seiner observer data tool. Unlike seine fishery, most southern countries have longline fisheries and the need for such a tool for longliners has been long identified. A request could also be done by a country like Seychelles or Mauritius to a donor for such a tool.
  • Julien Barde indicates that such a tool could also be extended to landing report with some substantial adjustments.