17.04.2013 WP4
Wednesday 17 April 2013 WP4 minutes - UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- Donatella Castelli, CNR-ISTI
- Anton Ellenbroek, FAO
- Hilary Hanahoe, TRUST-IT
- George Kakaletris, NKUA
- Andrea Manzi, CERN
- Pasquale Pagano, CNR-ISTI
1. Training Material:
- Discussion on the training material status as per wiki http://wiki.i-marine.eu/index.php/Training
In general CNR is responsible for the General Function material while the reports, worklows and templates are under the responsibility of FAO.
CNR uses JING to generate videos while FAO use ActivePresenter.
ACTION1: CNR (Lino) to modify the status of the training video delivery to reflect a realistic time schedule by 30th April
ACTION2: TRUST to finalise Resources Management Facilities video generate a voiceover by 30th April
2. Training Events:'
- Discussion on the feasibility of organising a training session during the European Bioinformatics Conference (3-6 Sept 2013), on Thursday 5 Sèpt 2013. iMarine would like to be represented in 3 different guises: 1. Keynote presentation (FAO) on Day 1; 2. Technological presentation (CNR) and a Training session coordinated by CNR & FAO. iMarine could organise a joint session with EUBrazilOpenBio
ACTION3: CNR (Donatella) to clarify the audience of the event (obtain a list of the projects involved / invited) and propose iMarine active participation at the conference.
The details below are based on the discussion during the conference call and email correspondence afterwards.
Changes to be made:
- remove the coloured fish icons from the home screen - will be done by TRUST-IT;
- set all current icons to blue (better than grey) (so the species group remains) - will be done by TRUST-IT;
- Move the IUCN info into the fact-sheets (Before local names) according to the following schema - will be done by TRUST-IT
*IUCN Status: Icon (if it is compatible with the current layout & structure. If not we will only add the status name in its colour): status name *IUCN Status : orange fish : endangered (example)
A new colour will be added - Orange which signifies "Endangered" while Red becomes "Critically Endangered" and the other three colours (green, grey & yellow) remain the same.
Working Time: Trust estimates 2-3 working days to complete these changes.
Deadlines: The changes will be made by Trust by Tuesday 30th April (if we receive the revised data for integration by COB Friday) and sent to App stores for publication which takes up to 10 days from the submission of the new release by Trust (so we are looking at a new release publication during the first quarter of May)
New Release Notification note: Please note that in this release the data related to species status can be found in the Fact sheet of each species. (This is to mitigate complaints and comments from users who have already downloaded and receive a new version without the species related info) PHASE2:
1. INCLUDE taxon group icons (colour code to be agreed) on home page
Deadlines: The changes will be made by Trust by Wed 15th May and sent to App stores for publication which takes up to 10 days from the submission of the new release by Trust (so we are looking at a new release publication during the second half of May)
Taxon Group Legend: Icon - Description
* Corals - Other invertebrates * Crabs - Crustaceans (FYI, this also includes "Lobsters" and "Shrimps", the generic name is crustaceans) * Fish - Bony fish * Mammals - Mammals * Plants - Algae * Reptiles - Turtles * Sharks - Sharks * Shellfish - Shells * Squids - Cephalopods
4. Events:'
- IMDIS 2013 - 23-25 Sept 2013 LuccaIMDIS 2013 - two types of abstracts will be submitted. 1. specific iMarine processes & 2. iMarine as an infrastructure (generic). Deadline for abstract submission is 30th April 2013.
ACTION4: CNR & NKUA to circulate abstract proposals based on template on web site.Abstract Template
- ICT2013 ICT2013. iMarine should submit a Networking Session application (Deadline 26 April 2013) and investigate the possibility of having a presence at the exhibition (e.g. under an umbrella initiative like RDA). Deadline for exhibition application is 7th June 2013
ACTION5: CNR (Donatella) to circulate a concept for the networking session.