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== TLO Implementation ==
== TLO Implementation ==
The activities carried out for the implementation of TLO (+ references to documents/ wiki pages/ tickets). This activity is associated to the ticket https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/891
The activities is related to the implementation of TLO ontology using OWL 2 language. The associated ticket is https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/891
A SPARQL endpoint has been set at the following address Based on this, it is possible to run the set of queries available here http://bscw.research-infrastructures.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d261933/TLO-Set%20of%20Queries%20firt%20iteration.pdf
A SPARQL endpoint has been set at the following address
. Based on this, it is possible to run the set of queries available here http://bscw.research-infrastructures.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d261933/TLO-Set%20of%20Queries%20firt%20iteration.pdf
== TLO Results ==
== TLO Results ==

Revision as of 16:00, 2 July 2013

Person responsible for editing/maintaining this page

  • Carlo Allocca (carlo@ics.forth.gr)

TLO-Development activity

General Description

This activity concerns with the development of a Top Level Ontology (for short TLO) that will integrate the concepts currently existing in marine-domain knowledge bases (in particular FLOD and ECOSCOPE knowledge bases). The TLO-Development activity is dived into six sub-activities (or Tasks) and related to each other as shown in the diagram in Fig 1.



It is based on an Iterative and Incremental development approach. As such, one iteration will involve all the above tasks that are described here http://wiki.i-marine.eu/index.php/Top_Level_Ontology. All the iterations will be accurately described and TLO Modules/ Versions will be delivered in each iteration ready to be used.

Activities scheduled with deadlines

At least two iterations are needed to complete the TLO-Development activity with deadlines December 2012 and January 2013, respectively. Each iteration is planned to be monitored by opening related tickets. And, as in January there is going to be the next meeting, we (Claudio, Julien and Carlo) will discuss if we need a third or more iterations.

Related Cluster


Related Wiki Pages


Meeting In Progress

TCOM in Italy, Rome, 03.11.2012


Meeting on "FLOD Ontological Analysis: First Iteration", 7.12.2012

For the details of the first meeting, please follow the link http://wiki.i-marine.eu/index.php/7.12.2012-TLO_FLOD_Ontological_Analysis. This meeting is related to the ticket https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/224#comment:15

TCOM in Belgium, Ostende, 29.01.2013

Semantic Cluster Meeting, online, 13.02.2013

TCOM in Italy, Pisa, 21.03.2013

TCOM in Italy, Rome, 26.03.2013

TCOM in Greece, Skiathos, 18.06.2013

Motivation - Goal - Requirements

Describe a scenario that will justify the need for having such a TLO on top of marine-domain knowledge bases.

THE MOTIVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE FACT THAT: Semantic technologies, applications and services for biodiversity mostly rely on the rise of an interconnected and shared tree-of-life like dataset scaling on the web. The various communities (including also marine one) are contributing to this joint effort aim to share domain data and their meaning, to provide a solid basis for biodiversity systems interoperability.

THE GOAL IS: Our goal in modelling and formalising a Top Level Ontology (TLO) is for integrating and semantically extending the underlying models of existing marine data sources. Specifically, the TLO is used on the top of a number of real and heterogeneous marine data sources, including FLOD and ECOSCOPE, as knowledge mediator to represent, manipulate and reason upon and across them.

THE REQUIREMENTS ARE: This Top Level Ontology has to focus on EAF ( Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries / Marine Resources) and should be generic enough to provide consistent abstractions or specifications of concepts included in all data models or ontologies of iMarine data sources such as ECOSCOPE, TDWG-WORMS, FLOD, AGROVOC, DwC, IBIS [Gangemi 2002], [Doerr 2003], and provide the necessary properties to make this distributed knowledge base a coherent source of facts relating observational data with the respective spatiotemporal context and categorical (systematic) domain knowledge

FLOD Ontological Analysis

This activity has the primary goal to provide a common understanding of the FLOD ontology network. It has been considered necessary for the development of the TLO. The associated ticket is https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/888

Ecoscope Ontological Analysis

This activity has the primary goal to provide a common understanding of the ECOSCOPE ontology network. It has been considered necessary for the development of the TLO. The associated ticket is https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/889

TLO Design

The activities is related to the design of TLO ontology. The associated ticket is https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/890

TLO Implementation

The activities is related to the implementation of TLO ontology using OWL 2 language. The associated ticket is https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/891

A SPARQL endpoint has been set at the following address . Based on this, it is possible to run the set of queries available here http://bscw.research-infrastructures.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d261933/TLO-Set%20of%20Queries%20firt%20iteration.pdf

TLO Results

TLO Usage

Activities related to the usage of TLO (+ references to documents/ wiki pages/ tickets). This activity is associated to the ticket https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/900

Here, we describe possible scenarios in which TLO can be evaluated. Currently, we identify the followings:

  • TLO as meta-model for FLOD, ECOSCOPE and WoRMS
    • Fact Sheets and Competence Queries
  • TLO as knowledge model for semantic search in X-search
    • Suppose that a user is looking for publications about tuna. Specifically he wants to find experiments that were applied to several species of tuna. So, he submits the query tuna and gets a sorted list of results and various categories of entities like Regional Fisheries Body, Species, FAO Country, etc. User realizes that the category Species may contain interesting entities. He notices that there is an entity with the label skipjack tuna which is a medium-sized fish in the tuna family found in tropical and warm-temperate waters. User wants to learn more information about that species. Specifically, he would like to see other species for which the skipjack tuna is predator or is prey. By clicking the icon next to the entity's name, user is able to instantly (at real-time) retrieve such information. In particular, in the back end, a SPARQL query is sent to the TLO's endpoint asking for that information. Note that the 'Species' have been derived from FLOD, while the properties 'is predator of' and 'is prey of' have been derived from ECOSCOPE's knowledge base. That would be impossible without the exploitation of the TLO.

TLO Evaluation

Activities related to the evaluation of TLO (+ references to documents/ wiki pages/ tickets). This activity is associated to the ticket https://issue.imarine.research-infrastructures.eu/ticket/892

Currently, we are working on TLO-Populating activity. To give a support to this activity, I started to design the OWL output structure of the information we need according to the current version of the TLO. Below you can find two links:

1) To populate just the class Species, please follow the link https://portal.i-marine.d4science.org/group/data-e-infrastructure-gateway/workspace?itemid=2e1a3b06-5c2d-4b96-aea0-c43dc53e670a

2) To populate the class Species with predator and prey relationships, please follow the link https://portal.i-marine.d4science.org/group/data-e-infrastructure-gateway/workspace?itemid=506fb989-7af4-492e-b654-19f4fd2113a5

3) We are willing to discuss about other type of outputs depending on the data you can provide.

TLO Products

Each TLO version consists of

  • A release number
  • An .owl file
  • A set of competency queries
  • A short description describing the changes
  • It could also contain a set of mappings between data source and TLO, each of them described as an OWL file

TODO: We also need a document that contains the scope notes of each class

Evolution Process

Since last meeting in Rome (26-03-2013), we planned to release a new version every two months (for correcting errors, based on requirements, priorities, usage needs, etc).

Version 1.0.0 released on 26-03-2013

Previous TLO Versions

TLO Related Tickets

First Iteration