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The resources offered by VENUS-C significantly extend the storage, computing, and service hosting  capacity available under the D4Science  Ecostystem. The VENUS-C abstraction allows the immediate access to a concrete set of  resources providers (Engineering Data Centre, Microsoft Windows Azure, KTH, BSC). These resources are  accessible from the D4Science Ecosystem initially under a Research Collaboration Model and afterwards under a commercial Cloud Model.
The resources offered by VENUS-C significantly extend the storage, computing, and service hosting  capacity available under the D4Science  Ecostystem. The VENUS-C abstraction allows the immediate access to a concrete set of  resources providers (Engineering Data Centre, Microsoft Windows Azure, KTH, BSC). These resources are  accessible from the D4Science Ecosystem initially under a Research Collaboration Model and afterwards under a commercial Cloud Model.
The collaboration between iMarine and VENUS-C, is granting access to [ http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/ Microsoft Azure] computation and storage cloud resources. which can be reported in the following table:
| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
! width="120"|Cloud Name !! width="80"|CPU Hours  !! width="80"|WN !!  width="80"|Storage Space ||  width="80"|  End of contract
| MS Azure    ||  1.5 M  || 1.5 TB ||  April 2013

Revision as of 12:36, 8 December 2011



EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) is a project willing to create and maintain a pan-European Grid Infrastructure in collaboration with National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) in order to guarantee the long-term availability of a generic e-infrastructure for all European research communities and their international collaborators. The European Grid Infrastructure will (1) Operate a secure integrated production grid infrastructure that seamlessly federates resources from providers around Europe, (2) Coordinate the support of the research communities using the European infrastructure, and (3) Work with software providers within Europe and worldwide to provide high-quality innovative software solutions that deliver the capability required by user communities. EGI provides storage and computing resources, distributed across hundreds of sites worldwide and is based on different interoperable grid middleware solutions such as Globus, gLite, Arc, and Unicore. The resources offered by the EGI infrastructure significantly extend the storage and computing capacity available under the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Ecosytem. These resources are accessible from the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Ecosystem under a Research Collaboration Model.

The EGI sites supporting the d4science.research-infrastructures.eu VOVirtual Organization; provide the following services to the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Ecosystem:

Site CREAM CE WN SE WMSSee Workload Management System or Web Mapping Service. VOMSVirtual Organization Membership Service. MyProxy LFC


VENUS-C (Virtual multidisciplinary EnviroNments USing Cloud infrastructure) is focused on developing and deploying a Cloud Computing service for research and industry communities in Europe with the aim of: (1) creating a platform that enables user applications to leverage cloud computing principles and benefits, (2) leveraging the state of the art to bring on board early adopters quickly, incrementally enable interoperability with existing Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs), and push the state of the art where needed to satisfy on-boarding and interoperability, and (3) creating a sustainable infrastructure that enables cloud computing paradigms for the user communities inside the project and new communities. VENUS-C offers an industrial-quality service-oriented platform based on virtualisation technologies by providing an open and generic Application Programming Interface (API) at platform level for scientific applications. The VENUS-C platform is based on both commercial and open source solutions underpinned by the Engineering data centre, Microsoft through the Windows Azure and its European data centres, and two European High Performance Computing centres: The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC, Spain).

The resources offered by VENUS-C significantly extend the storage, computing, and service hosting capacity available under the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Ecostystem. The VENUS-C abstraction allows the immediate access to a concrete set of resources providers (Engineering Data Centre, Microsoft Windows Azure, KTH, BSC). These resources are accessible from the D4ScienceAn e-Infrastructure operated by the D4Science.org initiative. Ecosystem initially under a Research Collaboration Model and afterwards under a commercial Cloud Model.

The collaboration between iMarine and VENUS-C, is granting access to [ http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/ Microsoft Azure] computation and storage cloud resources. which can be reported in the following table:

| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" |- ! width="120"|Cloud Name !! width="80"|CPU Hours  !! width="80"|WN !! width="80"|Storage Space || width="80"| End of contract |- | MS Azure || 1.5 M || 1.5 TB || April 2013 |-